Wiki Prostate Massage w/anesthesia


Brooklyn, MI
Best answers
So this is a new one I've never seen before. I keep going back and forth between 00902 and 01999.

Patient presents now for exam under anesthesia with prostate massage
Details of Procedure: After informed consent was obtained he was brought to the operating room. After placement dorsal lithotomy a mac was induced. With relaxation was able the palpate his entire prostate. I then perform prostate massage bilaterally. Prostate had no palpable masses. Once complete patient was woken and brought to recovery room with no immediate complications.
Anesthesia Type: Monitored Local Anesthesia with Sedation

If any other anesthesia coders have seen this scenario, I would appreciate some input.
If he’s doing this from a rectal approach I would use 00902. But the op doesn’t specify really. I’ve never seen this before either.