Wiki Pregnancies, First v. subsequent

Gulfport, MS
Best answers
So. If a patient has been pregnant twice... But the first pregnancy resulted in a miscarriage at say, 10 or 12 weeks...

Is the 'second' pregnancy considered a 'first pregnancy' (i.e. Z34.01), or a subsequent pregnancy (Z34.81), since the first
one wasn't a 'full' pregnancy that resulted in a birth...

Pure logic would have me believe it's the second pregnancy, technically, because she's been pregnant twice, but... Here I've gone
and started getting philosophical, so... Anybody have any concrete knowledge on this?

Thanks in advance!
It's still a second pregnancy, even though the first pregnancy may not have been completed. It would be gravida 2 para 0 - pregnant twice (including current pregnancy) with no live births. Hey I understand the philosophical, I'm in that kind of dilemma myself!