Wiki postpartum


Monroe, NY
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at routine post partum visit provider extensively counseled patient on genetic testing due to first degree relative with breast cancer. is it correct to bill 99213-24 or is this considered part of OB global package?
Counseling on genetic testing for breast cancer is not part of a postpartum package. The problem is unrelated to pregnancy. Just make sure when leveling the visit, you are not including time/work spent on postpartum care, and link the appropriate diagnosis.
From ACOG (full document here):

Services That Are Separately Reportable during the Postpartum Period

  • Treatment and management of complications requiring other services or visits during the postpartum period (eg, GDM, hypertension in pregnancy, preterm birth). As an example, ordering the two-hour OGTT for a woman with GDM would be included as part of postpartum care. However, evaluating the patient and initiating treatment of newly-diagnosed Type 2 diabetes with metformin would be a separately reportable service.
  • Management of problems unrelated to the pregnancy (eg, hypertension, glucose intolerance, obesity)