Wiki Ob/gyn us


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HELP!!!! I can't get a clear answer on this, so would someone help me please!

When a patient has an incomplete miscarriage and our physicians do a D&C (59812), then returns several weeks later with heavy bleeding and an ultrasound is done to confirm POC, do I code the ultrasound as 76801 (OB) or 76835 (GYN)? Do I use diagnosis code 634.11 or 626.8?

When a second D&C is done, this time using a hysteroscope, do I code the 59812 (OB), modifier 78, or 58558 (GYN) with a 634.11 diagnosis?
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You would do the GYN ultrasound w/ the dx POC. Same for the D&C. She is not currently pregnant, so you would not use the pregnant codes.
You would do the GYN ultrasound w/ the dx POC. Same for the D&C. She is not currently pregnant, so you would not use the pregnant codes.

Hi Tesja.

I know this is several years after initiating this thread, but I hope you can help me out. This is what I remember regarding US coding after a miscarriage, but I have not been able to find a resource to back me up on it. Do you have a link to an authoritative source that I can give to my providers?

Thanks much!
