Wiki No comprehensive ROS for a Preventive/well woman visit still billable?


Deltona, FL
Best answers
I need some advice. I am wondering if this is still billable as a preventive/well woman visit 99395 even though the provider doesn't document a comprehensive ROS, just says, "ROS as noted in the HPI". Thank you for any advice.
Annual Premenopausal (UEHRC)

Reported by patient.
Patient Relationship to Practice: new patient
Current Medical History: no active medical problems
Relevant Family History: family history of ovarian cancer; family history of uterine cancer; no family history of breast cancer; no family history of colon cancer; no family history of blood clots/DVT
Menstrual History: Frequency of Menses: monthly
Contraceptive Method: nothing; satisfied
Sexually Active: Yes:
STI Screen: desires
Health/Prevention: Exercise: no; Multivitamins: no; Vitamin D: no; Adequate Calcium Intake: no; Breast Self Exam: no; Seat Belt Use: yes; Safe Sex: yes; Tobacco Use: no
Mammogram: not applicable
Pap Smear +/- HPV Cotesting: due
Colonoscopy: not applicable
Patient has: Primary Care Physician: yes
33 yo female presents to the office for her WWE/PAP/STI testing. Pt reports a h/o asthma (controlled with medication) and stress incontinence. Pt states she has done kegal exercises, use of kegel ball for help with no resolution. Denies any other concerns today. LMP 5/14/20.

ROS as noted in the HPI

Physical Exam
Patient is a 33-year-old female.
Chaperone: Chaperone: present.
Constitutional: *General Appearance: obese.
Head: Head: normocephalic.
Neck: *ROM normal ROM. *Thyroid: no enlargement or nodules and non-tender.
Lymph Nodes: *Palpation: normal.
Cardiovascular: *Auscultation: RRR and no murmur. *Peripheral Vascular: no varicosities or edema and pedal pulses intact.
Lungs: *Respiratory Effort: no accessory muscle usage or intercostal retractions. *Auscultation: no wheezing, rales/crackles, or rhonchi and clear to auscultation. Inspection: normal and normal respiratory rate.
*Breast: Bilateral: no tenderness, skin changes, abnormal nipple secretions, or masses palpable and nipple appearance: normal and fibrocystic/dense breast(s) bilateral. Right Breast: normal. Left Breast: normal.
Back: Appearance normal. Palpation no costovertebral angle tenderness.
Abdomen: *Inspection/Palpation/Auscultation: no tenderness, rebound, guarding, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, or masses palpable and non-distended, soft, and normal bowel sounds. *Hernia: none palpated.
Female Genitalia: Vulva: no erythema, excoriation, discoloration, lesions, vesicles, atrophy, masses, swelling, or tenderness and normal. Mons: no erythema, excoriation, atrophy, lesions, masses, swelling, tenderness, or vesicles/ ulcers and normal. Clitoris: no erythema, excoriation, discoloration, lesions, vesicles, atrophy, masses, swelling, or tenderness and normal. Labia Majora: no erythema, excoriation, atrophy, discoloration, lesions, masses, swelling, tenderness, or vesicles/ ulcers and normal. Labia Minora: no erythema, excoriation, atrophy, discoloration, lesions, vesicles, masses, swelling, or tenderness and normal. Introitus: normal. Bartholin's Gland: normal. *Vagina: no discharge, erythema, atrophy, lesions, ulcers, swelling, masses, tenderness, prolapse, or blood present and normal. *Cervix: no lesions, discharge, bleeding, or cervical motion tenderness and grossly normal and sample taken for a Pap smear. *Uterus: normal size and contour and midline, mobile, non-tender, and no uterine prolapse. *Urethral Meatus/ Urethra: no discharge, masses, or tenderness and normal meatus and well supported urethra. *Bladder: non-distended, non-tender, and no palpable mass. *Adnexa/Parametria: no tenderness or mass palpable.
Rectum: *Anus & Perineum: normal perineum and perianal skin and no hemorrhoids or anal fissure. *Digital Rectal: no hemorrhoids or masses and sphincter tone normal and normal rectovaginal septum.
Extremities: Legs: normal and no calf tenderness. Arms: normal. Pulses: normal and pulses present.
Skin: *Appearance: no rashes or lesions.
Neurological System: Impressions: motor: no deficits and sensory: no deficits. Reflexes: normal.
Psychiatric: *Orientation: to person, place, and time. *Mood and Affect: normal mood and affect and active and alert.
There is no requirement for a comprehensive ROS for a preventive medicine service. CPT guidelines state "The "comprehensive" nature of a preventive medicine service reflects an age and gender appropriate history/exam and is not synonymous with the "comprehensive" examination required in E/M codes. Secondly, not just for this case but in general, ROS may be listed anywhere in the chart note - it could be explicitly under the heading ROS or it could be under HPI, so it is ok for a provider to state "ROS as noted in HPI". You need to extract the ROS elements from HPI. Remember, however that double dipping between HPI and ROS is not allowed, meaning if an element is considered as HPI, then it can't be counted as ROS too.