Wiki Modifier 52 for timed services


Parker, CO
Best answers
I was told that the AMA may have updated the guideline for modifier 52 as it applies to timed services. PT's and chiro's regularly use the 52 to report that a service was performed for less time than identified in the code description. In searching everywhere, I am unable to find a reference to this. Does anyone have information regarding this? Any links or direct references you can give me would be wonderful!

Thanks in advance.
It was not revised by the AMA in the 2015 CPT manual.

You cannot use a 52 on a timed service. The minimum reportable time is more than 50% of the stated time for the service. So for instance a 15 minute service must have documentation of 8 minutes or more. 1 hour must have documented 31 or more and so on. If you do not have the minimum then the service is not reportable.