Wiki Maternal Care vs. Obstructed Labor


Anchorage, AK
Best answers
Hello, I'm wondering if anyone can clear up the difference between these two categories? I have used the maternal care codes before to support c-sections (example 59514 O34.211 or O32.0XX0) but today ran across an article that said "If the condition was present prior to labor but didn't impact the labor and/or delivery you use the "maternal care for". If it exists and then impairs the labor and/or delivery you use the "obstructed labor" version. I have a PT who had a c-section due to cephalopelvic disproportion which I would have coded as O33.9 but now I'm second guessing myself. Help!
Was it a scheduled c-section or a stat c-section? I would say if it was scheduled as a section I would go with the 'maternal care' code. If the patient attempted a vaginal delivery but ended up with a section due to the condition I would use the 'obstructed labor' code.

The way I look at it is if the patient is scheduled as a section she most likely doesn't have a chance to go into labor to have that labor be obstructed.