Wiki IUD Removal with assist


Local Chapter Officer
Spring Valley, WI
Best answers
Does anyone know if an assistant is ever necessary for an IUD removal. I've looked in some of my resources, including the AAPC Coder, and the 80 modifier looks like it applies. How would two people perform the procedure if one MD only pulls on the strings to remove? Thx.
While technically a modifier 80 can apply to an IUD removal it would be unusual to require an assistant to this procedure. In most cases if a provider were to bill for an assistant surgeon the carrier will deny the assistant surgeon pending for medical necessity. At that point it would need to be appealed with the records; but even then it would be unlikely that the assistance would be paid.

I would advise the provider to make sure to document the medical necessity of the assistant very clearly for the purpose of appeal and payment.
58301 Removal of IUD is marked that an assist is allowed ONLY with documentation of medical necessity.
"Payment restriction for assistants at surgery applies to this procedure unless supporting documentation is submitted to establish medical necessity." As Chelle-Lynn posted, it would definitely be unusual to require an assistant.