Wiki IUD accidentally pulled out

Newport, VT
Best answers
We have a patient who needed a colposcopy. The IUD was accidentally pulled out with the biopsy. I was wondering if I should submit this to the insurance company or if we just ask the Mirena Rep. to send us another IUD.
Would you submit the 58301 removal? Submit for the replacement 58300 and device J7298? Ty!
I would not bill for an IUD removal if you performed it by accident. I also would not charge the insurance to insert a new one, as it is fixing your own error.
You can see if your Mirena rep is willing to send you another, in which case your practice will not incur any additional expenses.
It is the same situation as if during a hysterectomy, the physician nicks the bowel, and then has to repair it. You cannot bill for repairing an injury you created.
If the patient had come to you after another practice has accidentally removed her IUD, then placement and the device would be billable.
In this case - you break it, you buy it.