Wiki Intrathecal Morphine Pump Trials


Kutztown, PA
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We are doing a Morphine pump trial as an outpatient in our facility setting, billing a 62319. The patient is coming back for the next 3 days for a refill and observation. What should the physician bill, if anything for these 3 days? In the past, the physician has billed a 99212 for the visit- but I'm thinking this is incorrect? Any help would be greatly appreciated?
01996 Daily hospital management of epidural or subarachnoid continuous drug administration

I had ask a rep about these intrathecal trials that extend to the second day and stated I didn't see this code on their PDF. He seemed not aware that they were currently suggesting this code for the additional days and I agree with you that an E/M code seems farther off than what is being performed than 01996.
I meant he was not aware of any suggestions from their coding consultants or other company members that provide coding guidance of using 01996.