Wiki Hysteroscopy discontinued


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Hello, any thoughts would be helpful. Patient in hospital setting, was scheduled for pelvic exam under anesthesia and hysteroscopy d&C, polypectomy, possible myosure. The exam under anesthesia was done. The cervix was dilated 3 times with different size hegar dilators but the hysteroscope couldn't be to passed due to the angle of the cervix. So do we code the exam 57410 because it was done. Hysteroscopy diagnostic 58555-74 because a diagnostic hysteroscopy was attempted/discontinued. OR Hysteroscopy with biopsy/polypectomy 58558-74 because that was the intended procedure.
58555 with a modifier for discontinued service seems the most appropriate.
-74 is for the FACILITY.
If you are billing for the physician, look at modifier -53.
I personally wouldn't recommend 58558 with modifier for discontinued unless they did the hysteroscopy, but had to discontinue the D&C portion.
57410 doesn't necessarily seem wrong, just not the most correct.
We are coding for a facility and couldn't decide between the codes 57410 & 58555-74. In general, find discontinue/aborted procedures difficult. Thank you for the explanation and reply