Wiki genetics follow up for premature


Cocoa, FL
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what should I use for dx and cpt for follow up visits for now normal premature babies seen several years after birth? Looking for conditions that premies tend to develop but finding none, babies normal no list of what conditions are being looked for.:confused:
if you did not find anything I would use V71.89 with 99212-99215.
Chapter 15 guidlines (760-779) does states code maybe used throughout the life of the patient if the coditions is still present.
Otherwise maybe v21.30 for hx of low birht weight but I dont think this is a primary dx?
Need Clarity

I have a very difficult case any feedback would help. A Geneticist sees a pt in the office and puts the patient on a diet for an unconfirmed condition. The patient takes a turn for the worst and is admitted into the hospital some months later. A Geneticist is called for a consult and diagnoses metabolic disorder (confirmed diag). Medicaid will not accept a consult so should he report a f/u subsequent visit (because another physician admitted the patient) or should he report an initial hospital care (99221-99224)?:eek:
If consulted can two physician?s report initial hospital care?
This doesn?t follow the new pt rules.
Would the pt be new to him because of the requested consult?
If it's the first time he's seen the patient in the inpatient setting, report a 99221-99223. (any visits after that for the same admission would be billed 99231-99233). The admitting provider bills this with an -AI modifier to indicate admitting provider, so yes multiple providers can bill the initial inpatient visit. It doesn't matter if it's a new patient to them in the inpatient setting. The 99221-99223 is for an initial visit in the inpatient setting, not a new patient and not necessarily an admission.