Wiki emergency delivery


Bangor, Maine
Best answers
I also posted this in OB but I was hoping for a quick answer so I am posting here as well. Our hospital closed our OB department a year ago. A patient came in and delivered in the ER. Can you still code mom/baby chart as you would before? Does it matter that the patients are not inpatients?
Delivery only

Unless the ED doc has followed the patient, the delivery code 59409 would be the appropriate code. No E & M would be coded.
For the infant, our ED usually has the Peds Dr in for the exam
Hope this helps
Last edited:
Unless the ED doc has followed the patient, the delivery code 59400 would be the appropriate code. No E & M would be coded.
For the infant, our ED usually has the Peds Dr in for the exam
Hope this helps

That code says including the antepartum and postpardum care as well and that is not the case. The patients were immediately transferred to another hospital where the patients doctor was located. Are you sure you think that is the appropriate code?