Wiki ED facility billing help


Canton, NY
Best answers
Hi everyone,
Our ED is looking to see if anyone has built or used a template type of form to build or establish facility E&M codes that they would be willing to share. We think that we may be undercoding and would like to find a better template for facility billing. Also, are there any reports on the facility side that compare ED E&M codes such as the one that the government does for the physician with the average percentage of 99285's 99284's, 99283's etc.

We use the point system and have found that it works better the ACEP system.
The Director of the ER nursing developmental it and I would be happy to e-mail you a copy
Please e-mail at
Good Luck
Robin Ingalls-Fitzgerald CCS, CPC, FCS, CEMC, CEDC
Our hospital developed a template to use. We tried the point system and it took too long and did not give a consistant Facility Level when the same chart was given to 5 different coder. We ended up with several different Levels. The template we use is a combination of the ACEP and examples of what might be expected to fall in each area. With a Mock RAC audit we scored consistantly with what the auditor did. I will be glad to share it with you just shoot me an email to