Wiki Diagnostic hysteroscopy with d&c and Failed NovaSure ablation


Bristol, PA
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How can I bill for a D&C with a failed ablation?


1. Diagnostic hysteroscopy with dilation and curettage.

2. Failed NovaSure ablation.

FINDINGS: Somewhat stenotic cervix upon entry, initially uterus was sounded to 8 cm. On diagnostic hysteroscopy, proliferative thickened endometrium noted, no signs of masses. On dilation and curettage, moderate amount of tissue was sent to Pathology. Attempted novasure ablation performed uterus resounded to greater than 8 cm, hysteroscope reinserted and tunnel noted concern for perforation and deficit was 475 cc. The procedure then was immediately aborted
How can I bill for a D&C with a failed ablation?


1. Diagnostic hysteroscopy with dilation and curettage.

2. Failed NovaSure ablation.

FINDINGS: Somewhat stenotic cervix upon entry, initially uterus was sounded to 8 cm. On diagnostic hysteroscopy, proliferative thickened endometrium noted, no signs of masses. On dilation and curettage, moderate amount of tissue was sent to Pathology. Attempted novasure ablation performed uterus resounded to greater than 8 cm, hysteroscope reinserted and tunnel noted concern for perforation and deficit was 475 cc. The procedure then was immediately aborted
I had a similar case and since the procedure was started, then terminated I billed 58563 w/ mod 53 and sent the notes with the claim and we got paid. As long as the note states that the procedure was started and stopped due to a risk, then I always bill the intended code.
I would suggest 58563-53 for discontinued hysteroscopic Novasure ablation.