Wiki Deceased physician


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How do we handle chart notes that have not been completed by a physician that is deceased? The physician provided the services and noted it in a paper chart but did not complete the notes in the EHR. Can the scribe continue to complete the notes based on the information in the paper chart? How do we handle the physician signature since this is not done in either paper chart or the EHR? Is there a time limit this needs to be completed (in place of the payors timely filing limit)?
It is my understanding that only the provider who performed the service is eligible to sign off on the note. Did the physician sign off on the paper chart prior to passing away? That may be your only "out" at this point. You could also try sending a letter along with the claim, but I am not sure that would work - it may with some private payers, but not likely any payer that follows CMS guidelines.
I would scan the paper notes into the electronic chart, with a notation that the physician passed away on XX/XX/XXXX before the note was signed off. I assume there are other doctors in the practice? I would send all of the unsent claims to the payers in one bundle with a cover letter from another doctor stating the situation and they reviewed the notes and are willing to vouch for them. For private payers, I would probably call their Provider Relations office and ask what they consider acceptable.