Wiki Copy of Ins card and id


Best answers
Is it a legal requirement to obtain copy of the patient's insurance card and id to keep on file? or is it just best practice?
I don't recall seeing anything being a legal requirement to save the patient's insurance card and/or ID. It's incredibly smart to have a copy stored in the patient's file, as this would mitigate a lot of time spent on administrative direct contact with the patient (checking insurance information, verifying patient ID, etc.).
In addition there are some carriers that per your contract require a copy of the card and ID if/when they come in to audit. In California, for example, the State Medicaid program requires a copy of the card and ID at the time of the audit, or they have the right to recoup all monies paid.

Make sure to work with your contracts department and compliance officer to ensure that you are following all contractual guidelines and requirements.
Best practice and legal requirement. Some insurance companies require it to prevent insurance fraud and it is best practice to do the same thing for all patients across the board.

Every practice I have worked for has required both the insurance card and the ID at least once a year or when there is an insurance change.

Dana Montry, CPC
Tucson, AZ
20 years experience