Wiki Consultation with CPS


Maple Valley, WA
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I work at a pediatric office and our NP had a recheck appt for a girl who was originally seen at the ER. The CPS worker spoke with the NP three times prior to the appt time. The situation was such that as soon as the child was on site for her appt at our clinic, CPS and a police officer were called. The child was taken by CPS. No exam was done by our NP. She wants to know how to bill for her time spent on the phone with CPS and in depth review of the patient's chart. It was also CPS's decision to transfer to sexual assault clinic for eval.

Questions: would the consultation/transfer of care codes (99241-99245) be appropriate for this visit? My other thought was the interprofessional telephone consultation codes (99446-99449).

I appreciate any help, this is a uncommon situation for our clinic. Thanks.
been there, done that...without an exam, perhaps you can get paid with the telephone consult codes...otherwise, put the time and hard work in the "pay it forward" column of life's ledger system....