Wiki Coding help for mechanical thrombectomy

Adena, OH
Best answers
Left common iliac artery percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy with Inari in thrill catheter
Left common iliac artery percutaneous angioplasty and deployment of 8 x 40 mm EV 3 ever flex self expanding stent
Left external iliac artery percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy with Inari in thrill catheter and angioplasty
Left common femoral artery percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy with Inari in thrill I catheter and angioplasty

Upon identification of the patient is kept supine on the operating table. Standard sterile preparation done after sedation with 2 mg of Versed and 1 mg of Dilaudid. Local anesthesia fiven with 1% lidocaine. I accessed the proximal part of the left superficial femoral artery with ultrasound using SonoSite. Ultrasound has shoen a left femoral artery is about 6 to 7 mm in size. I accessed with a micropuncture needle and a 018 wire advanced. I managed to advance the wire all the way into the abdominal aorta crossing the all the totally occluded left common femoral ecternal and common iliac arteries. At this point I changed his sheath to a 7 French sheath. I did as arteriogram which comfirmed the totally occluded left common femoral artery ecternal and common iliac arteries. Ath this point I introduced a 014 Volcano IVUS probe and did a IVUS evalutation of the left common and external iliac arteries and common femoral arteries. That showed the wire is in the intraluminal throughtout its course. It is also inside the stent. At this point systemic anticoagulation was given with IV heparin and maintain ACT more than 200 throughout the case. THen I changed the sheath to a Inari enteral sheath. Then I introduced a Inari in thrill catheter did a percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy of the left common iliac artery left ecternal ilian artery and left common femoral arteries. Angiogram after thrombectomy has shown a reopen left iliofemoral system. There is still have residual stenosis or filling defect in the distal part of the left common iliac artery. Then I deployed a 8 x 40 mm EV 3-year-old flex self-expanding stent. Then I did an angioplasty of the left external iliac artery with a 7 mm balloon also. I also did an angioplasty of the left common femoral artery using the 7mm balloon. A completion angiogram after all of that has shown excellent result with a completely reopened left common and external iliac arteries and left common femoral arteries. There is no evidence of any residual stenosis.
Left common iliac artery percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy with Inari in thrill catheter
Left common iliac artery percutaneous angioplasty and deployment of 8 x 40 mm EV 3 ever flex self expanding stent
Left external iliac artery percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy with Inari in thrill catheter and angioplasty
Left common femoral artery percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy with Inari in thrill I catheter and angioplasty

Upon identification of the patient is kept supine on the operating table. Standard sterile preparation done after sedation with 2 mg of Versed and 1 mg of Dilaudid. Local anesthesia fiven with 1% lidocaine. I accessed the proximal part of the left superficial femoral artery with ultrasound using SonoSite. Ultrasound has shoen a left femoral artery is about 6 to 7 mm in size. I accessed with a micropuncture needle and a 018 wire advanced. I managed to advance the wire all the way into the abdominal aorta crossing the all the totally occluded left common femoral ecternal and common iliac arteries. At this point I changed his sheath to a 7 French sheath. I did as arteriogram which comfirmed the totally occluded left common femoral artery ecternal and common iliac arteries. Ath this point I introduced a 014 Volcano IVUS probe and did a IVUS evalutation of the left common and external iliac arteries and common femoral arteries. That showed the wire is in the intraluminal throughtout its course. It is also inside the stent. At this point systemic anticoagulation was given with IV heparin and maintain ACT more than 200 throughout the case. THen I changed the sheath to a Inari enteral sheath. Then I introduced a Inari in thrill catheter did a percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy of the left common iliac artery left ecternal ilian artery and left common femoral arteries. Angiogram after thrombectomy has shown a reopen left iliofemoral system. There is still have residual stenosis or filling defect in the distal part of the left common iliac artery. Then I deployed a 8 x 40 mm EV 3-year-old flex self-expanding stent. Then I did an angioplasty of the left external iliac artery with a 7 mm balloon also. I also did an angioplasty of the left common femoral artery using the 7mm balloon. A completion angiogram after all of that has shown excellent result with a completely reopened left common and external iliac arteries and left common femoral arteries. There is no evidence of any residual stenosis.
You might look at
75710,26XU (If no prior catheter-based angiogram or CT angiogram were performed)

I hope this helps.