Wiki cervical length screening


Monroe, NY
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United Heathcare does not reimburse for ICD10 Z36.86( Encounter for antenatal screening for cervical length ).
usually when patient has history of short cervix or preterm labor, our provider would have patient come in for transvaginal ultrasounds with sonographer to determine cervical length.
I dont think O09.213(Supervision of pregnancy with history of pre-term labor ) is correct to use since sonographer does not supervise the pregnancy.

is there any other code to use?
A screening is a test done for an otherwise health patient with no symptom or problem, so if this test is being done due to the patient's pregnancy and history, then it is by definition not a screening. Although the code needs to be assigned strictly on the diagnosis that the physician has indicated on the order, I believe the O09.213 would be appropriate if this is what the provider has given. It does not matter that the sonographer is not the one supervising the pregnancy - the sonographer is performing the test in order to get information to the provider to treat the patient, so if the test is being done as part of the supervision of the pregnancy, then it would be appropriate.