Wiki catheterizations


Austin, TX
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I hope someone can help me. I am new to this and didn't have any real training. The previous coder was available for a short amount of time and when she showed me how to code for the catheterizations she explained it as branches. Lately, when I have her double check my orders, I am getting thoroughly confused.

On one I was told to bill 36225-50 & 36226-50 BUT when she trained me initially I was told you couldn't bill both because the 36226 would "cancel out" the 36225 (you have to go through that artery to get to the vertebral so you can't bill for the subclavian.) Can you bill a bilateral subclavian catheterization with a bilateral vertebral catheterization? 36225-50 and 36226-50?

I have tried to ask for an explanation as to why she is coding like this and am getting no response back so I thought I would turn here.