Wiki Billing Well Child Visit with Sick Visit


Hendersonville, NC
Best answers
I have a practice that bills an E/M for a sick visit (99214) and then bills the well-child check (99391) for the same visit. The 99214 is submitted with modifer -25. Many insurance companies combine the two services and the office wants the claim appealed. Is there any documentation anywhere that would support billing these together?
Medicaid guidelines

According to Medicaid guidelines, a separate E/M can be billed in addition to the health check if additional work needed to be done aside from the health check and the condition(s) was/were severe enough to justify this separate work, but you can only charge a level 1 (99211) or 2 (99212) for established patients, level 2 is the highest level, in additional to your reported health check, or for a new patient a level 1 (99201).
We also were advised that in the medical record it should be clearly defined what the additional workup entailed and we either should create a separate office note or, if documentating in the encounter note for the health check, have a separate section, i.e. at the bottom of the health check section, where everything regarding the sick encounter is listed and what was done.

Hope this helps!