Wiki Billing On-Call Midwife Visits


Fitchburg, MA
Best answers
I work at a hospital and bill for the midwives in the L&D area.

We often (several times a week) have patients come in on an after hours basis for problems such as cramping, abdominal pain, spotting, decreased fetal movement, etc.

These patients DO deliver at our hospital usually (eventually), but are NOT patients of our midwives. Generally when they're seen its the first time our midwives have seen them. Although, many times it'll be our midwives that assist the actual Attending OB doctor during delivery of C/S later on.

I'm mighty confused because I know the OB doctor visits are considered Global antepartum and postpartum, but they have separate Tax IDs from us.

I've run into no problems billing the stress tests that are often done 59025, but I'm running into a problem on billing the actual visit, speculum exam, etc.

If they're admitted for observation its simple and I use the observation codes. If they're only in L&D for an hour being monitored, having a speculum exam, counselling, reassurance - should I be billing a New Patient Outpatient Visit? 99202-99205?

Thanks for any thoughts, advice!