Wiki Balloon sinus surgery in office


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I WORK FOR AN ENT GROUP AND We are trying to figure out whether or not we can charge for the balloon itself when balloon sinus dilation is done in the office. In the facility setting we don't bill for the balloon because the hospital provides it. But our physicians purchase the balloon when we are doing it in the office. Same for the latera implants for nasal stenosis. Can anyone help with this?

Thanks in advance

becky hutchens
BSP in-offfice

I WORK FOR AN ENT GROUP AND We are trying to figure out whether or not we can charge for the balloon itself when balloon sinus dilation is done in the office. In the facility setting we don't bill for the balloon because the hospital provides it. But our physicians purchase the balloon when we are doing it in the office. Same for the latera implants for nasal stenosis. Can anyone help with this?

Thanks in advance

becky hutchens

Billing in-office procedures you can bill globally(both professional [using modifier: 26] and technical components), wherein the technical component includes the cost of equipment and supplies. So make sure you charge the global rate instead of just the professional rate. In the Medicare Fee-schedule this is specified by the modifier column which is either blank(both), TC, or 26.