Wiki Arthroscopic Superior Capsular Reconstruction


Phoenixville, PA
Best answers
I would appreciate any input for the following procedure:
LEFT shoulder arthroscopic superior capsular reconstruction, subscapularis repair, massive debridement subacromial and subcorocoid spaces, acromioplasty and corocoplasty

29806 does not seem appropriate, as that is only for a capsular repair.
29823 and 29826 for debridement and subacromial decompression. But I'm not sure about the capsular reconstruction and subscapularis repair. This was a 4 hour surgery.

Here's a portion of the OP note that describes just the capsular reconstruction:

placed two 3-0 double loaded suture tacks in the anterior and posterior glenoid. I measured the distance at 20 mm. I then placed 2 fiber tape loaded SwiveLocks on the articular margin and I was able to bypass the previously-placed anchors. I measured the anterior-posterior distance here at 15 mm, the medial lateral distance was 25 to both anchors. On the back table I then prepared an ArthroFlex graft and measured and cut it to the appropriate length leaving a 5 mm cuff surrounding with 1 cm on the lateral edge. I punched holes for later passage of the graft. I then retrieved all the sutures and marked them appropriately leaving 1 set of the double loaded in place to act as a passing suture. I then passed these through the graft using a loop from a SwiveLock. I then passed 1 limb of the remaining suture through the graft with a scorpion and tied a mulberry knot. As I was attempting to dock the graft the anterior SwiveLock pulled out. I removed all the sutures and I salvaged the hole by placing a 4.75 mm double loaded SwiveLock into the previous anchor hole. I then passed these sutures in a similar fashion as before. I then removed the passport and was able to dock the graft. The passing sutures were tied in a simple fashion and the remaining sutures were tied as a horizontal mattress using double pulley technique. I then retrieved the retention sutures from the SwiveLock and tied a double pulley on the medial row on the greater tuberosity. I then retrieved 1 limb of the fiber tape from the anterior and posterior and brought them through 2 separate swivel locks creating a speed bridge construct linked to the lateral greater tuberosity. Once this was complete, I passed the retention suture from the subscapularis anchor into the graft and tied this reducing the front edge of the graft to the greater tuberosity. I then passed 2 side-to-side sutures from the infraspinatus into the graft and tied these into place.

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