Wiki age edit, 783.21

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There's an edit, "dx inconsistant w/ pt. age." It was bounced to me with the 99212 circled--but there's no age on those? The dxs are 774.6; 783.21; and 779.31; and the patient is 7 days old, so everything seems right.

I just don't see an age inconsistency, unless the "editor" wants the V20.31 code instead of the 99212-TC code, but this wasn't an ordinary visit, it was an E/M visit with 99214-26 and 99212-TC.


I'm thinking it's the 783.21. I don't think that code was intended for a neonate, and the associated BMI code indicates it should be used for patients 2 yrs old and up

I gotta admit, I've never seen mods -26 and -TC on an OV code before
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How can you use a TC to an office visit? Do you ever get pd for these. I agree both -26 and TC are not right for an E/M
Dx 783
Symptoms concerning nutrition metabolism and development 783- >
A disorder characterized by a loss of appetite.
An abnormal loss of the appetite for food. Anorexia can be caused by cancer, aids, a mental disorder (i.e., anorexia nervosa), or other diseases.
Clinical manifestation consisting of a physiopathological lack or loss of appetite accompanied by an aversion to food and the inability to eat.
Loss of appetite.
The lack or loss of appetite accompanied by an aversion to food and the inability to eat. It is the defining characteristic of the disorder anorexia nervosa.

That's why it is bouncing back...but E & M codes should not have those 26 and TC modifiers.