Wiki 63081 and 22551


Lancaster, CA
Best answers
Hi there,

I am new to coding neuro surgery and would like some help please. These are the codes I'm thinking, but I'm not sure and would like some clarification. This is a Medicare patient.

63081 C6
22551 C3-4
22552 C5-6
22851 cage
22851-XS plate

1. Cervical disc disease as documented on the imaging studies at C3 4 with cord compression and cord injury c 6 with cord compression cord injury C6 7 cord compression cord injury C osteophyte extending level of C7
2. Failure of conservative treatment, progressive worsening.
3. Patient presents with severe myelopathy worsening motor and sensory loss involving upper and lower extremities sensory loss lower extremities as well as uppers failure of conservative treatment_

1. Anterior cervical diskectomy with exposure down to the dura and removal
of osteophyte at the level of C3 4 C5 6 and C6 7 , 3 levels
2. Arthrodesis fusion at the level of C3 4 C5 6 C6 7, 3 levels
3 corpectomy C6
3. Anterior segmental fixation of the cervical spine using a Synthes plate
with Apex.
4. Placement of biomechanical intervertebral body device at the level of C3 4 and the level of C5 to C7, 3 levels levels
5. Placement of both allo and auto graft
6. Intraoperative fluoroscopy for 3 hours.

This patient is presenting with symptomatic cervical disease at C3 4 C56 C6 7 with large osteophyte and compression of the cord across the vertebral body of C6 severe narrowing and signs of cord injury myelopathy
The clinical course shows deterioration of myelopathy with sensory and motor loss as noted

The patient was brought to the operating room. A formal time out was done in the room.
The patient was put to sleep under general anesthesia.
His neck was shaved, prepped, and draped in sterile fashion.
Initial transverse incision was made using 10 blade.
Sharp and blunt dissection down to the spine was carried out using a combination of a knife and fine dissecting
instruments, dissection was done to expose down to the levels of C3 4 C5 6 C6 7 and was documented by intra operative fluoroscopy.

Self-retaining retractors were placed. Longus colli muscle was dissected off
the midline.The disc space was opened
Caspar pins were placed. Distraction was done.

Microscope was brought into field. Under microscopic observation, using high-
speed drill, curved curette, Kerrison and fine dissecting instruments,
decompression was carried out and exposure down to the dura. Once this was
complete and both levels were well decompressed, hemostasis was obtained.

The offending pathology of C3 4 C5 6 C6 7 was removed both centrally and out the foramen to assure that
the spinal cord and nerve roots were well decompressed, and once this was complete, hemostasis
was obtained. Measurement for an intervertebral biomechanical device was

The biomechanical device was packed with both allo and autograft and placed under slight distraction
A Bengal cage was placed at the level of C6 corpectomy

Once this was complete and hemostasis was obtained, the plate was brought on
the field, measured and placement of the Synthes Apex plate was done without difficulty using skrew fixation and floroscopy.
Final X-ray confirmation was obtained as well.

Once complete hemostasis was obtained, closure was begun. Platysma was closed using up to 3-0 Vicryl, subcuticular
layer was closed using up to 3-0 Vicryl, and skin was closed with Steri-
Strips. The patient was transferred to recovery room in stable condition.
Penrose drain was left in place

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!


Thanks for getting back to me. I have a few questions...

1. It is my understanding that you can't bill 63081 at the same level as wouldn't you just code the other two levels? Doc is stating 3 levels total.

2. 22846 instead of 22845? I am only getting 3 segments. What am I missing?

3. 20931 instead of 20936? OP states allograft AND autograft.

4. 22851 only once? Plate and cage placed at different levels.

Really appreciate your feedback on this.

C3-C7 are 4 connected segments and 5 vertebral segments = 22846
c3, c4,c5,c6,c7

I dont see anywhere in the op notes where he states exactly that he put the cage in any other place except in the c6 area. he should dictate better saying things like cage placed in between so and so level...

My mistake, I ment to write 20936 for allograft, sorry about that.

NCCI bundled osteotomy and corpectomy codes to 22551, so in all actuality i dont think he documented the corpectomies enough to even report it.