Replacement of Right Hip Joint with Ceramic on Polyethylene Synthetic Substitute, Open Approach 0SR904Z

ICD-10-PCS code 0SR904Z for Replacement of Right Hip Joint with Ceramic on Polyethylene Synthetic Substitute, Open Approach is a medical classification as listed by CMS under Lower Joints range.

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ICD-10-PCS Code Symbols
HAC : HAC Associated Procedure
OR : Operating Room Procedure

Official Code Descriptor

Replacement of Right Hip Joint with Ceramic on Polyethylene Synthetic Substitute, Open Approach



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Additional/Related Information

Section(0)Body System(S)Operation(R)Body Part(9)Approach(0)Device(4)Qualifier(Z)
Medical and SurgicalLower JointsReplacementHip Joint, RightOpenSynthetic Substitute, Ceramic on PolyethyleneNo Qualifier
This ICD-10-PCS Code is an HAC associated procedure.
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) with total knee or hip replacement and secondary diagnosis I26.02, I26.09, I26.92, I26.93, I26.94, I26.99, I82.401, I82.402, I82.403, I82.409, I82.411, I82.412, I82.413, I82.419, I82.421, I82.422, I82.423, I82.429, I82.431, I82.432, I82.433, I82.439, I82.441, I82.442, I82.443, I82.449, I82.451, I82.452, I82.453, I82.459, I82.491, I82.492, I82.493, I82.499, I82.4Y1, I82.4Y2, I82.4Y3, I82.4Y9, I82.4Z1, I82.4Z2, I82.4Z3, I82.4Z9.
Change TypeChange DatePrevious Descriptor
Code Added 10-01-2015
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