Poisoning by agents primarily affecting blood constituents (964)
ICD-9 code 964 for Poisoning by agents primarily affecting blood constituents is a medical classification as listed by WHO under the range -POISONING BY DRUGS, MEDICINAL AND BIOLOGICAL SUBSTANCES (960-979).
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Can anesthesiologists bill their professional fee on an inpatient claim separately, when they have billed for the anesthesia times already? For example, billed 26 units under rev 370 for 260 minutes,... [ Read More ]
Nicka & Associates (we have a corporate account with AAPC) handles ED coding, and we are growing our business. We have a multiple clients that have just given us more coding business.
Requirements ar... [ Read More ]
I am wondering if there is anyone on this forum that might understand anesthesia billing for a CRNA in a Critical Access Hospital billing under Method II? I have a question regarding the QZ mo... [ Read More ]
[b]Front or Back Office[/b]
I have a CPC-A license but no experience. If you have vacancy for a fresher I hereby place my resume for the same.
John Eapen
John Eapen, CPC-A
4801 Aviem... [ Read More ]
Jaime R. Pruna
San Antonio TX 78213
Energetic, motivated, dependable, Outgoing, and Demonstrated cu... [ Read More ]
John Eapen, CPC-A
4801 Aviemore Drive, Sterling Heights, MI 48314. Ph: (586)203-8952 Cell (313)505-0340.
Seeking a suitable career to utilize my edu... [ Read More ]
I have an Associates degree in MIS with a CPC-A license from AAPC. I am looking for experience. If you help me get some experience I would be happy. I do stay in Sterling Hei... [ Read More ]
John Eapen, CPC-A
4801 Aviemore Drive, Sterling Heights, MI 48314. Ph: (586)203-8952 Cell (313)505-0340.
Seeking a suitable career to utilize my edu... [ Read More ]
I am a CPC-A and I am looking for experience that would help me remove the A from CPC-A and also be useful to get a job.
My resume is enclosed
John Eapen
John Eapen, CP... [ Read More ]
Today at 4:29 PM
Immediate Opening:
QA Analyst contract opportunity in Nashville, TN.
The successful candidate will work with business and Product Development counterparts to understand current... [ Read More ]
Another big insurer to pay big bucks for home health and hospice chain. UnitedHealth Group plans to buy LHC Group Inc. for about $5.4 billion, marking the second time in as many years that a major insurer is entering the [...]
Final rule follows through on proposed increases to GIP, CHC, and IRC. Providers that mostly furnish Routine Home Care or GIP in other facilities are getting the bad end of the deal in Medicare’s payment rebalancing between care levels. Why? [...]
Which category will you fall into? As of Oct. 1, Medicare will pay significantly more for advanced levels of care and less for Routine Home Care days — and that may drastically change the financial picture for the majority of [...]
You may have more seniors looking over your shoulder, but they are finding less fraud to report. In 2010, the 55 Senior Medicare Patrol Projects had 4,964 active volunteers. That's almost 12 percent more than in 2009, the HHS Office [...]
Upcoming Eli audioconferences are chock full of information on sales and marketing, clinical concerns, joint ventures and PPS reimbursement. • 7 Keys to Peak Home Care Sales Performance, Thurs. April 10, 3 pm ET. Home care sales and marketing expert [...]
March 26--3:00 pm ET Jeffrey Baird presents: Innovative Marketing and Creative Joint Ventures for Healthcare Companies: There Is a Way! Find out how home medical equipment companies, pharmacies, home health agencies, hospitals, physicians and other health care providers can enter [...]
Upcoming Eli audioconferences offer valuable insights on CPO, joint ventures and PPS. • Care Plan Oversight: Dos And Don’ts For Accurate Billing, Wed. March 26, 1 pm ET. Help your referring physicians get paid for their services to your patients. [...]
The following bills were introduced in the House: H.R. 712. A bill to require the establishment of regional consumer price indices to compute cost-of-living increases under the programs for Social Security and Medicare and other medical benefits under titles II [...]
The average Medicare+Choice enrollee is spending about $1,964 out-of-pocket this year, 10 percent more than last year and double the amount from four years ago. That's according to research conducted by Marcia Gold and Lori Achman of Mathematica Policy Research [...]
Question: Can I bill 96408 (chemotherapy administration, intravenous; push technique) with modifier -59 (distinct procedural service) and 96410 (... infusion technique)?Colorado Subscriber Answer: When a chemotherapy regimen is prescribed it may require multiple agents to be given at the same [...]
Increase Diagnoses Coding Compliance with Medicare Transmittal and Manuals directives right at code level.