ICD-9 code 867 for Injury to pelvic organs is a medical classification as listed by WHO under the range -INTERNAL INJURY OF THORAX, ABDOMEN, AND PELVIS (860-869).
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[QUOTE="Rmarcushishouse, post: 415269, member: 422568"]
I wanted to share this info with anyone interested.
The below codes have been paying very very well with Blue Shield...
S0201 (HC svc qual), 09... [ Read More ]
Tina L. Meikle
1860 N. Lehman Rd.
Twining, MI 48766
H: (989) 867-4391, C: (989) 254-9841
OBJECTIVE: A remote medical coding position utilizing my skills in Medical Coding and O... [ Read More ]
[b]Thank you![/b]
[QUOTE="Rmarcushishouse, post: 415269, member: 422568"]I wanted to share this info with anyone interested.
The below codes have been paying very very well with Blue Shield...
S020... [ Read More ]
I wanted to share this info with anyone interested.
The below codes have been paying very very well with Blue Shield...
S0201 (HC svc qual), 0900, 897*
H0010, (HC svc qual)0101, 867*
H0018, (HC svc ... [ Read More ]
I am new to the forum. I am reviewing a refund request from Aetna for a 2013 DOS. The patient had mastectomy and reconstruction a decade ago with gel implant. Patient now has some deformity to impl... [ Read More ]
I am currently recruiting for a system level (Large not for profit healthcare system) coding supervisor position in Wisconsin. The coding is divided by inpatient, outpatient, and ER. So the supervisor... [ Read More ]
We are looking for a Credentialing specialist in our solo gastroenterology office in Hamilton Ohio. We need someone ASAP since we are in the process of incorporating. Please call Barb at 513-867-254... [ Read More ]
Sr. Physician Educator Auditor
*Provides technical and regulatory guidance to operating units on matters related to compliance and applicable regulations and standards.
*Also provides on going Phys... [ Read More ]
[b]bladder repair[/b]
I would use 51860, and diagnosis code 998.2 867.0
usually here gyn does the hysterectomy and if this happens Urology is called into
repair the bladder... [ Read More ]
Save thyself from 3 lethal errors in documentation. Are you too busy with patients, and leave documentation work for others? If so, it’s time to change the habit and take charge to ensure impeccable documentation that reflects your patient care. [...]
Question: I placed a mid urethral sling 57288 on a patient on 1/14/15. This was at the same time as a hysterectomy by a gynecological surgeon. The other surgeon requested that I perform cystoscopy for a possible right ureteral injury at [...]
Question: One of our urologists was called into the OR to do a bladder and ureteral repair after another surgeon injured both structures during surgery. Our urologist repaired the bladder wound via a robotic approach (other surgery was already setup robotically). [...]
Residents in central south states more likely to get antipsychotic prescriptions. Overall about 22 percent of nursing home residents were prescribed antipsychotic drugs in 2009-2010, but residents in the south central states were more likely to receive these drugs than [...]
Residents in central south states more likely to get antipsychotic prescriptions. Overall about 22% of nursing home residents were prescribed antipsychotic drugs in 2009-2010, but residents in the south central states were more likely to receive these drugs than those [...]
Question: I am having trouble coding a procedure. The op report reads as follows: Procedure performed: Intraoperative abdominal exploration and cystoscopy with left ureteral catheter placement. Preoperative diagnosis: Potential left ureteral injury. Postoperative diagnosis: No ureteral injury noted. Indications for [...]
How would you report this procedure?Test your operative report interpretation skills with this case study from a Urology Coding Alert subscriber in Illinois.Preoperative diagnosis: Bilateral ureteral traumaPostoperative diagnosis: Bilateral ureteral traumaProcedure: Bilateral ureterolysis and bilateral ureteral-ileal anastomosisDrains: Bilateral single J [...]
Question: How should I report the following operative report:Procedure:Exploratory laparotomyComplex repair of cystotomyPlacement of fat flap between the vagina and bladderLeft ureteral reimplant.Diagnosis: Bladder and ureteral injury during C-sectionMaine SubscriberAnswer: Report this procedure as follows: First, report CPT 50780 (Ureteroneocystostomy; [...]
Gas prices are up nearly a dollar per gallon compared to a year ago, and so are many home care providers' travel expenses -- and visiting staffers' complaints. U.S. gas prices currently average $3.816 per gallon, compared to $2.867 a year [...]
Question: My urologist was called into surgery by an ob-gyn who thought she had injured the ureter during a procedure. He performed a cystoscopy with retrograde pyelogram and found no injury. I'm pretty sure of my CPT coding, but am [...]
Increase Diagnoses Coding Compliance with Medicare Transmittal and Manuals directives right at code level.