Sprains and strains of shoulder and upper arm (840)
ICD-9 code 840 for Sprains and strains of shoulder and upper arm is a medical classification as listed by WHO under the range -SPRAINS AND STRAINS OF JOINTS AND ADJACENT MUSCLES (840-848).
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I am assuming this is in an office and not in an outpatient hospital setting.
Units of J7999 is always one.
Is it compounded or is it multiple drugs? (You're billing commercial as multiple, but bil... [ Read More ]
I am in need of some guidance on billing multiple drugs for an infusion pump.
Example of how we do it now for Medicare: Under "description" ~ J7999 =
There are 2 classes, Medical Coding (basic instructions on CPT and ICD 10) and Advanced Medical coding (more in depth coding and billing is added). They are only taught at the Dexter TRCC.
Certifica... [ Read More ]
1-15-19: Pt. underwent right total hip replacement.
2-21-19: Taken back to OR with "draining seroma." Dr. exchanged right total hip femoral ball and polyethylene liner and performed extensive la... [ Read More ]
[B]This solicitation came after Tuesday's meeting:[/B]
I wanted to put it out there that The Oregon Clinic is looking for a certified coder that has experience with E/M.
Their Central office is locate... [ Read More ]
For an adult with ADD I believe that the correct code is R41.840 for Attention and concentration deficit. Defined as:::
[LEFT][COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]Attention or concentration deficit is the i... [ Read More ]
[QUOTE="Cynthia Hughes, post: 416721, member: 18048"]Though the physician notes the increase in size of the left lateral ventricle as subtle (possible indication of failure to adequately drain fluid) ... [ Read More ]
[b]Complication of ventricular shunt[/b]
[QUOTE="maryv22, post: 416706, member: 292709"]After reviewing below scenario, how would you code and sequence the diagnoses? - Would you code the symptoms fi... [ Read More ]
Here are some additional resources about timeliness of documentation from The Joint Commission (TJC) that I came across today that may be of assistance as well:
[URL="https://www.jointcommission.org/... [ Read More ]
Here is the LCD for Psychiatric codes [url]https://www.cms.gov/medicare-coverage-database/details/lcd-details.aspx?LCDId=35101&ver=59&SearchType=Advanced&CoverageSelection=Local&ArticleType=SAD%7c... [ Read More ]
Don’t forget to brush up on your ADHD coding knowledge. If your provider has been administering more Vanderbilt Assessment screenings than usual, you shouldn’t be surprised. That’s because attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) diagnoses have been steadily rising over the last [...]
Question: We filed a claim for a Medicare Part B patient with our Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC). However, Medicare denied the claim. We would like to contest the rejection. Could you break down the levels of the Medicare appeals process? Washington [...]
Question: I filed a claim for a Part B patient with my Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC), but it was rejected by Medicare. I intend to challenge this decision. Can you explain the different levels of the Medicare appeals process? Vermont Subscriber [...]
Question: I filed a claim for a Part B patient with my Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC), but it was rejected by Medicare. I intend to challenge this decision. Can you explain the different levels of the Medicare appeals process? AAPC Forum [...]
Question: We filed a claim for a Medicare Part B patient with our Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC). However, Medicare denied the claim. We would like to contest the rejection. Could you break down the levels of the Medicare appeals process? Washington [...]
Question: I filed a claim for a Medicare Part B patient with my Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC), but it was rejected. I intend to challenge this decision. Could you explain the different levels of the Medicare appeals process? Minnesota Subscriber Answer: The [...]
Question: I filed a claim for a Medicare Part B patient with my Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC), but it was rejected. I intend to challenge this decision. Could you explain the different levels of the Medicare appeals process? Montana Subscriber Answer: The [...]
Question: I filed a claim for a Medicare Part B patient with my Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC), but it was rejected. I intend to challenge this decision. Could you explain the different levels of the Medicare appeals process? Minnesota Subscriber Answer: The [...]
Question: I filed a claim for a Part B patient with my Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC), but it was rejected by Medicare. I intend to challenge this decision. Can you explain the different levels of the Medicare appeals process? Alaska Subscriber [...]
Medicare premiums and deductibles may be going up for 2024, but a potential cost-based barrier to provider appeals won’t. Amount in controversy (AIC) rates are updated annually and often increase based on inflation. For the second year in a row, [...]
Increase Diagnoses Coding Compliance with Medicare Transmittal and Manuals directives right at code level.