View the ICD-9 code's corresponding Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs). In a click, verify the DRG, its IPPS allowable, length of stay, and more. Protect your facility's payments by subscribing to DRG Coder.
[B]Apply here:[/B] [URL][/URL]
[B]Agency: Lincoln County[/B]
210 SW Second St.
Newport, Oregon, 97365
Website: [URL='']http... [ Read More ]
[b]Proctoring – A Most Important Job Profile[/b]
As stated in the 2010 AAPC Local Chapter Handbook, the mission of the local chapters is to:
Promote and expand the medical coding profession
Provid... [ Read More ]
Lisa Fraser-Gass 803.747.8063
836 Adden Street, Orangeburg, SC 29115 [email][/email]
Professional Profile
Pursuing a career as a Medical Coder and Billing Spec... [ Read More ]
Try one of the CMS LCD's many payers follow CMS and there is good information contained in them.
[TABLE="width: 836"]
[TD][B]Coverage Document[/B][/TD]
[TD]L34501 ... [ Read More ]
Patient was seen May of 2015 and was DX'd with CURRENT meniscus tear (836.0). Came back a year later and DX used is S83.231D. Knee scope was done in July 2016 (over a year later) and I used DX code
... [ Read More ]
I am looking at this MIPS proposed rule that describes potentially in 2017 lowering the number of measures to 6 and removing NQS requirement for PQRS version of the requirement and changes to MU requi... [ Read More ]
Ploutus LLC is a staffing service looking to hire Certified Medical Coders for Full
Time and Part Time. Positions offer fantastic hands on training.
Candidates must be certified with one of the follow... [ Read More ]
Medical Biller - Part Time
We are currently seeking an experienced Medical Biller to work at our Fort Washington Dermatology Practice.
As a medical biller, you will take the data provided by our Phy... [ Read More ]
In your scenario, Lisa, there was an injury three months ago. It was likely treated conservatively and, when that failed, he was brought to the OR. I would, without question, code acute... the 836 s... [ Read More ]
A recent enforcement case highlights the importance of timely HIPAA-breach reporting. Haste makes waste or so they say, but in the case of notifying the feds about a HIPAA breach the opposite is true. The sooner you alert the HHS [...]
The HHS says there is no excuse for dragging your feet on reporting a HIPAA violation. Haste makes waste or so they say, but in the case of notifying the feds about a HIPAA breach the opposite is true. The [...]
You’ll ditch your current 836.xx options and specify the type of meniscus tear. A tear of meniscus occurs in the knee and is a common sport injury — and with the October 1, 2015 ICD-10 implementation date looming ahead, that [...]
You’ll ditch your current 836.xx options and specify the type of meniscus tear. A tear of meniscus occurs in the knee and is a common sport injury — and with the October 1, 2015 ICD-10 implementation date looming ahead, that [...]
Question: According to my orthopedist’s op note, the patient underwent a medial meniscal repair with debridement of synovitis in the notch and lateral regions and patella femoral synovitis resection. The op note wording, however, is what is throwing me off. Should [...]
Prepare now for more specific knee injury codin.One of the many differences you'll notice in ICD-10-CM is increased options for coding lateral meniscus tears.A lateral meniscus tear refers to tearing of the heavy cartilage (meniscus) that rests on the outside [...]
Prepare now for more specific knee injury coding in 2013. ICD-10-CM is expected to replace ICD-9-CM on Oct. 1, 2013. One of the many differences you'll notice is increased options for coding lateral meniscus tears. A lateral meniscus tear refers [...]
See how all the 'suggested' diagnoses affect your ICD-9 options. To help keep your coding in tip-top shape, read through the real-life report excerpt below, and then explore the "why" behind the codes you should and shouldn't choose. Knock Out [...]
CMS releases a flood of information -- including some on your wish list. It's time to throw away your accumulated collection of OASIS Q&As and download just one document. Have you always wanted access to an integrated set of the [...]
ALJs' independence threatened with new proposed rule.You could have a much tougher time getting a fair shake at the administrative law judge level if a new proposed rule is finalized.The Department of Health and Human Services wants to compel ALJs [...]
Increase Diagnoses Coding Compliance with Medicare Transmittal and Manuals directives right at code level.