View the ICD-9 code's corresponding Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs). In a click, verify the DRG, its IPPS allowable, length of stay, and more. Protect your facility's payments by subscribing to DRG Coder.
Greeting friends!
If you attended the chapter meeting "Cradle to Grave" DVD, National Geographic on 8/15, lease contact all board members and the first one available will send you the correct CEU #. ... [ Read More ]
Medicare doesn't cover routine screenings. If you want to see what DX codes are covered for specific lab tests you would have to check NCD 190. For instance Hepatitis panel its NCD 190.33
[url]https:... [ Read More ]
Hello - I've been posting several "separately identifiable E/Ms" lately. I'm trying to get an understanding and documentation to give to my employer. This is a new patient being seen for possible ca... [ Read More ]
If the physician is injecting the exact same muscles that are included under 64615, but it's for chronic headaches that are not migraines, shouldn't that be the code that is used even though the code ... [ Read More ]
We are an ER and getting denials for headache, 784.0. Does anyone have any suggestions on what code(s) won't get denied for headache? Severe Headache?
Thanks!... [ Read More ]
Here are the specs:
Dx:Cough - 786.2 (Primary)
Allergic rhinitis due to allergen - 477.8
TX/Plan: cxr, allergy med & nasal spray
Provider chose 99214, h... [ Read More ]
Good evening,
I am trying to find a code for post nasal drip due to a patient having a cold and it does not seem to be a chronic condition. When I look up post nasal drip in index it points me to 784... [ Read More ]
Question: How do we bill for nose bleed, which generally occurs due to acute hemorrhage from the nostril, nasal cavity, or nasopharynx? Missouri Subscriber Answer: When there is an acute hemorrhage from the nostril, nasal cavity, or nasopharynx, we call [...]
Remember you still have multiple procedure codes associated with diagnosis. Epistaxis – commonly known as nosebleed – occurs when there is acute hemorrhage from the nostril, nasal cavity, or nasopharynx. When you still coded following ICD-9, you would report 784.7 [...]
Remember you still have multiple procedure codes associated with diagnosis. Epistaxis – commonly known as nosebleed – occurs when there is acute hemorrhage from the nostril, nasal cavity, or nasopharynx. When you still coded following ICD-9, you would report 784.7 [...]
Educating yourself about anatomy can help you pinpoint codes. Trigeminal and occipital nerve blocks for headache treatment are both common procedures for pain management specialists or neurologists. But do you understand the difference? Read on for the lowdown that will [...]
Focus on these differences to better pinpoint codes. Trigeminal and occipital nerve blocks for headache treatment are both common procedures for pain management specialists. But do you understand the difference? Read on for the lowdown that will help you better [...]
Harness occipital and trigeminal nerve blocks with 64400 and 64405 If you code for bilateral occipital or trigeminal nerve blocks as a headache-relief service to your patients, there are a few landmines to sidestep to ensure proper coding and reimbursement. [...]
Make the grade in symptoms coding with these 4 tips. The clock is ticking, so are you set to welcome ICD-10 in October? With more than 70,000 codes, ICD-10 includes codes for almost every condition under the sun. “Due to [...]
Tip: Don’t throw away your current coding rule book after Oct. 1. You might need to code on the basis of signs and symptoms even under ICD-10. Despite anything you have heard to the contrary, the new diagnosis coding system [...]
You might need to fight for reimbursement. You can connect the same diagnosis with both the procedure and the E/M service as long as the documentation supports medical necessity for both, according to CMS rules. However, you will find that [...]
When you look forward to Oct. 1, you’ll be looking back at your existing signs/symptoms coding rules. Although you may have heard that ICD-10 includes a code for every condition under the sun, that news may have been exaggerated. In [...]
Increase Diagnoses Coding Compliance with Medicare Transmittal and Manuals directives right at code level.