View the ICD-9 code's corresponding Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs). In a click, verify the DRG, its IPPS allowable, length of stay, and more. Protect your facility's payments by subscribing to DRG Coder.
[QUOTE="lambert82, post: 511338, member: 420797"]
How can I go about obtaining a NUBC - national uniform billing committee [B]bill type guide/description for UB04s?[/B] Any guidance on this is much ap... [ Read More ]
Hi there, I also see it described as a brachial plexus block. For example [URL][/URL]
... [ Read More ]
I think you could bill it either way. I believe the work Rvu for the 131 code is higher, but with a mod 22 they may be a horse a piece.... [ Read More ]
When coding an EMG, would you pick up the "abnormal study" R94.131 in addition to the dx for example abnormal study: study shows carpal tunnel bilateral.
Would you code dx as: G56.03, R94.13... [ Read More ]
[QUOTE="carmeenae, post: 481271, member: 689766"]
I'm working through Practicode now that I've completed the course and while I'm studying for the CPC exam, and there have been a few answers that were... [ Read More ]
I'm working through Practicode now that I've completed the course and while I'm studying for the CPC exam, and there have been a few answers that were marked wrong that I thought were correct, but I m... [ Read More ]
What would be the appropriate codes for this case? I came up with 93458-26,59, 92928-LC, 92928-RI, 36215-59, 36216-59, 75716-26,59. My provider did an upper and lower bilateral extremity angiogram, bu... [ Read More ]
I am going back and forth with a provider. I requested them to reduce their LOS because I do not feel a 99214 is appropriate. I am trying to explain that the work up for the I&D is bundled int... [ Read More ]
Whether it’s called an alternative sanction or an enforcement remedy, it can close agencies’ doors quickly. While officially on the books, the survey consequences of civil money penalties and payment suspensions have been scarce as hen’s teeth, especially for hospices. [...]
Review new options in neurology, cardiology, and more. With hundreds of new diagnosis codes set to take effect on Oct. 1, it’s crunch time. If you haven’t started studying the pending updates, read on for some highlights to ensure you’re [...]
Start preparing now, so you’re ready to hit the ground running come October. It’s that time of year again. The ICD-10-CM annual updates are out, and with hundreds of new and revised codes joining the code set later this year, [...]
Explore new options for chronic migraine, SDoH, external causes, and more. Hundreds of new diagnosis codes are set to take effect later this year, which means it’s time to put your thinking cap on and study these updates, so you’re [...]
And learn how to overcome payment challenges. Periodically assessing how the practice is doing can have a huge impact on efficiency as well as your bottom line. In her 2019 webinar titled, “7 Pediatric Services That Will Save Your Patients… [...]
Report I30.1 for infective pericarditis. When your cardiologist treats heart inflammation, such as pericarditis, you must pay close attention to details in the documentation to report the appropriate ICD-10-CM code. For example, you should know if the pericarditis is acute [...]
Do you know the difference between total and partial arthrodesis? When a patient presents for wrist arthrodesis, discerning which CPT® code you should use is often the most challenging aspect of the claim. Jessyka Burke, BSHA, CPC, COSC, CASCC, coder, [...]
Illinois HHA administrative assistant draws 6-year prison term. Another home health employee has been sentenced in the ongoing Moriarty Consultants Medicaid fraud case in Pittsburgh. Federal and state investigators raided the Moriarty offices in 2017 and have indicted 16 people [...]
Would your IC practices pass muster? Providers hoping they might get some survey leniency due to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency need just take one look at a new HHS OIG report for the answer. The HHS Office of Inspector [...]
Paying aides as independent contractors didn’t fly for this Georgia provider. Make sure you’re classifying your aides correctly, or you might have to learn that lesson the hard way. That’s what happened to Able Mabel Home Care in the Atlanta [...]
Increase Diagnoses Coding Compliance with Medicare Transmittal and Manuals directives right at code level.