View the ICD-9 code's corresponding Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs). In a click, verify the DRG, its IPPS allowable, length of stay, and more. Protect your facility's payments by subscribing to DRG Coder.
The Medicare fee schedule is based on the RBRVS (Resource-Based Relative Value Scale). Every CPT code has a RVU (relative value unit) that is a measure of how much work goes into it (in the simplest ... [ Read More ]
Well, if you go to the [URL='']Medicare Fee Schedule Lookup Tool, available on (click for link)[/URL], then you'll find all the in... [ Read More ]
We've been trying to get a denial from Medicare for a couple patients that had Lipiflow so we can forward it to their secondary insurance. The code is 0207T (which is not covered by medicare) and I've... [ Read More ]
ICD-10 gestational diabetes is classified as diet controlled or insulin controlled or unspecified control. It states that Z79.4 Long term current use of insulin should not be coded with codes from sub... [ Read More ]
I purchased AAPC ICD-10 CM General Code set training course, (At you own pace) I am currently beginning chapter 5, but in chapter 4, from the down loaded book, on page 51, this corresponds with slide ... [ Read More ]
We bill our Medicare Advantage plans with the Preventive Care Codes (99387-99397 or other age appropriate codes) we also perform a Screening Mammogram on the same day. We have never used a modifier fo... [ Read More ]
Breast procedures really confuse me and this one has me stumped on the correct codes to bill. Surgery was performed at the hospital and their coder used 38525, 11602, and 12031This does not seem corr... [ Read More ]
I need my fellow coders help on this one. The consulting company wants to code this as 19380 RT,LT but I am thinking 19342 RT,LT??? Also, I know in the description for 19380 it states an existing pr... [ Read More ]
Here is a list of CPT codes and Diagnoses that are medically necessary for those CPT codes from the Medicare website, Hope you can use one of those DX's.
CPT/HCPCS Codes back to top
Italicize... [ Read More ]
The M93.0- code set is about to get bigger. When ICD-10 2023 takes effect on Oct. 1, 2023, coders will have a lot more diagnoses to choose from when a patient reports with a slipped upper femoral epiphysis. Why? The [...]
OASIS vendors need to mark an important Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services session on their calendars. “CMS will host an OASIS technical informational call for Software Vendors and Developers on Thursday, August 25, 2022” from 1 p.m. to 2 [...]
Keep these options in mind for success. Azoospermia is the absence of any sperm in the semen. There are two types: Non-obstructive azoospermia, which usually results from absent intratesticular sperm production. Obstructive azoospermia, which is caused by extra-testicular obstruction or [...]
Question: A patient presented to the office for an exam and the ophthalmologist diagnosed her with an entropion of the left upper eyelid. The physician did not specify the type of entropion, but the patient has suffered from mechanical entropion [...]
Documentation must differentiate between types of irritation before you can select the right ICD-10 code. With the allergies of spring still blooming, eye care practices are likely to see scores of patients with irritated eyes. When it comes down to [...]
New giving guideline offers options but also brings a heftier fine. The old saying goes: “Tis better to give than to receive.” However, in healthcare, giving and receiving can be a tricky business. Showering lavish gifts of appreciation for referrals [...]
New giving guideline offers options but also brings a heftier fine. The old saying goes: “Tis better to give than to receive.” However, in healthcare, giving and receiving can be a tricky business. Showering lavish gifts of appreciation for referrals [...]
Here’s What You Must Know to Embrace ICD-10 System of Coding Increased emphasis on physical fitness has made knee injuries common not only among athletes but also among the general population, Arthroscopy has become one of the most frequently used [...]
Specify leg — and part of leg — with new diagnosis code set. As is a recurring theme with most of the ICD-10 codes, when coders officially begin using the new diagnostic code set on Oct. 1, 2015, they will [...]
Other claims getting caught up in edits include those for nursing home patients, vascular lymphoma, and cardiomyopathy. If your patient has a primary diagnosis of organic brain syndrome (294.8) and a length of stay exceeding 240 days, you'll be waving [...]
Increase Diagnoses Coding Compliance with Medicare Transmittal and Manuals directives right at code level.