View the ICD-9 code's corresponding Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs). In a click, verify the DRG, its IPPS allowable, length of stay, and more. Protect your facility's payments by subscribing to DRG Coder.
[QUOTE="nickelclaw, post: 510814, member: 256517"]
release of dupuytren's contracture (fascia of hand),[I][COLOR=rgb(44, 130, 201)] fasciectomy [/COLOR][/I](excision of Dupuytren's), with release part... [ Read More ]
release of dupuytren's contracture (fascia of hand),[I][COLOR=rgb(44, 130, 201)] fasciectomy [/COLOR][/I](excision of Dupuytren's), with release partial of finger(goes by how many)
in this case just o... [ Read More ]
Hello all you Ortho gurus! Looking for an appropriate CPT code for a patellectomy due to hardware failure after a TKA. Pt has already had if reconstructed (27422), now it is time to remove it. DX T84.... [ Read More ]
My provider is looking for specificity and how to best document The pt had a traumatic amputation of his left middle finger(complete) several years ago .The pt offers no complaints regarding same .I'm... [ Read More ]
Sorry i totally read the diagnosis code wrong (pains of staring at a screen all day)
Any chance one of the following dx codes that do not support Medical Necessity are also included?
[COLOR=#000000][... [ Read More ]
[QUOTE="rlh27, post: 397810, member: 89824"]Can you give additional information about the indications for the surgery...I didn't see i77.4 listed in the LCD, but I saw diagnosis codes for diseases tha... [ Read More ]
We've been trying to get a denial from Medicare for a couple patients that had Lipiflow so we can forward it to their secondary insurance. The code is 0207T (which is not covered by medicare) and I've... [ Read More ]
Wed 2/19/14
Introduction to Coding Guidelines
Ch 12 - Diseases of Skin & Subcutaneous Tissue
Ch 10 - Diseases of Respiratory System
Below are the answers for the homework assignment that was handed ... [ Read More ]
[b]Clarivein CPT[/b]
I found this on a website:
Endomechanical ablation (CPT code 37799) (eg, ClariveinTM [Vascular Insights, Madision, CT]) is a minimally invasive treatment for varicose veins, com... [ Read More ]
Code for quality of care, not just reimbursement. According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), over 2.5 million people in the United States are affected by pressure ulcers each year, with the total annual cost for treatment [...]
Understand why reporting ultrasound guidance is a mistake. When an amniocentesis claim lands on your desk involving polyhydramnios and twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS), do you know what to do? Follow these three steps when coding this amnio procedure and see [...]
Find out if you can report the ultrasound guidance separately. Do you know what to do if you’re presented with an amnio claim that includes a condition called “polyhydramnios?” Find out if your solution matches with this recommendation. Here’s how: [...]
Question: A new patient presents with cervical spinal stenosis at C5-C6 and degenerative disc disease with myelopathy and radiculopathy. After a level-four evaluation and management (E/M) service, the surgeon decides to perform laminectomy on two cervical vertebrae to address the condition. [...]
Question: A new patient presents with cervical spinal stenosis at C5-C6 and degenerative disc disease with myelopathy and radiculopathy. After a level-four evaluation and management (E/M) service, the surgeon decides to perform laminectomy on two cervical vertebrae to address the [...]
Question: Our ophthalmologist diagnosed a patient with monocular esotropia in the right eye, with a V pattern. Can you explain the different types of strabismus and how to figure out which diagnosis code to report in this case? Ohio Subscriber Answer: Strabismus [...]
Question: Which diagnoses support the performance of diagnostic ophthalmic ultrasound with both B- and A-scans, and what diagnosis codes should we report when billing 76510/76512 to help prove medical necessity? Michigan Subscriber Answer: Physicians may use diagnostic ophthalmic ultrasonography with both B- [...]
How much do you recall about recent coding changes? Once you’ve answered the quiz questions on page 3, compare your answers with the ones provided below. Answer 1: On Jan. 1, 2022, CPT® added the following definition of foreign bodies [...]
Time to put these new VWD, HIT, and HUS codes at your fingertips. Changes to the D50-D89 (Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism) code range in ICD-10-CM 2023 are extensive. And Oct. [...]
Question: A patient presents with eye irritation and discharge. After a level-three ED evaluation and management (E/M) service, the provider diagnoses “mucopur. conjunctivitis.” I have found the heading for H10.0- (Mucopurulent conjunctivitis), but I am having trouble zeroing in on the [...]
Increase Diagnoses Coding Compliance with Medicare Transmittal and Manuals directives right at code level.