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Need help if this was coded correctly: 36247-79 & 75710. I think 76937 should be entered as well.
Nature of procedure, risks, benefits, and alternatives were discussed with the patient in details and... [ Read More ]
Can anyone give me some guidance on this? If anyone has any resources or can direct me to any documents that would help with these it would be appreciated!
1. Right heart catheterizatio... [ Read More ]
Can anyone give me some guidance on this? If anyone has any resources or can direct me to any documents that would help with these it would be appreciated!
1. Right heart catheterization ... [ Read More ]
Sorry i totally read the diagnosis code wrong (pains of staring at a screen all day)
Any chance one of the following dx codes that do not support Medical Necessity are also included?
[COLOR=#000000][... [ Read More ]
[QUOTE="rlh27, post: 397810, member: 89824"]Can you give additional information about the indications for the surgery...I didn't see i77.4 listed in the LCD, but I saw diagnosis codes for diseases tha... [ Read More ]
Department of State Hospitals - Napa To get on HRT I list go to [url][/url]
JC-33318 - HEALTH RECORD TECHNI... [ Read More ]
[b]Try these codes[/b]
Look up s68-.011 for complete rt thumb amputation depending on notes
Look up s68.021 for partial rt thumb amputation depending on notes
Amputation..finger..Thumb --states to s... [ Read More ]
We've been trying to get a denial from Medicare for a couple patients that had Lipiflow so we can forward it to their secondary insurance. The code is 0207T (which is not covered by medicare) and I've... [ Read More ]
[QUOTE="margaret fahy, post: 290251, member: 64410"]10/30/13
Hi, Guys,
Would someone be so kind as to check my codes on this one.
Thank you so very much.
I have 36147, 36215, 75710, 36870. I didn't c... [ Read More ]
Hi, Guys,
Would someone be so kind as to check my codes on this one.
Thank you so very much.
I have 36147, 36215, 75710, 36870. I didn't code for the attempted piece of wire removal..what do... [ Read More ]
Tip: Check VA financial enrollment, then evaluate billing. If you are treating patients under the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA) and not receiving reimbursement, ensure electronic funds transfer (EFT) is properly set up [...]
Question: Encounter notes indicate that the physician treated a patient with “cystic meniscus, R knee.” How do I choose an ICD-10 code for this condition? AAPC Forum Subscriber Answer: While you’ve got two-thirds of the diagnosis already in the notes, finding that [...]
Hint: Don’t forget you may need to query a physician. Compare your answers with these solutions. Solution 1: The key to correctly coding this scenario is knowing whether the patient has two distinct lesions, or if the cancer is overlapping [...]
Hone your skills with the following solutions. After you’ve answered the preceding quiz questions, compare your thoughts with the following expert responses. Solution 1: The key to correctly coding this scenario is knowing whether the patient has two distinct lesions, [...]
See if your ICD-10-CM guideline knowledge is passable. After you’ve answered the quiz questions on page 3, compare your answers with the following solutions. Solution 1: The key to correctly coding this scenario is knowing whether the patient has two [...]
See if it’s time to brush up your ICD-10-CM guideline knowledge. Once you’ve answered the quiz questions on page 3, compare your answers with the ones provided below. Answer 1: The general guidelines accompanying ICD-10-CM Chapter 2 tell you that, [...]
Question: Our retinal doctor performed surgery for retinal detachment (67108) and said the diagnosis is “retinal detachment with occult breaks of the right eye.” Would that be coded as a single break? The op note states that no definitive retinal [...]
‘Other’ cervical disc disorders call for M50.8-. When a patient has a cervical disc disorder, the coder will likely have some digging to do — through the encounter notes and the ICD-10 code book. Why? Coders can choose from a [...]
Report M50.8- for‘other’ cervical disc disorders. Patients reporting to the practice with cervical disc disorders may have pain in the spinal area; the diagnosis coding for these patients can be a pain in the neck for coders, too. How? The [...]
‘Other’ cervical disc disorders call for M50.8-. Patients reporting to the practice with cervical disc disorders can be a pain in the neck for coders — at least when it comes to choosing an ICD-10 code for the condition. How? [...]
Increase Diagnoses Coding Compliance with Medicare Transmittal and Manuals directives right at code level.