Operations on valves and septa of heart
Closed heart valvotomy or transcatheter replacement of heart valve
Closed heart valvotomy, unspecified valve
Closed heart valvotomy, aortic valve
Closed heart valvotomy, mitral valve
Closed heart valvotomy, pulmonary valve
Closed heart valvotomy, tricuspid valve
Endovascular Replacement Of Aortic Valve
Transapical replacement of aortic valve
Endovascular replacement of pulmonary valve
Transapical replacement of pulmonary valve
Endovascular replacement of unspecified heart valve
Open heart valvuloplasty without replacement
Open heart valvuloplasty without replacement, unspecified valve
Open heart valvuloplasty of aortic valve without replacement
Open heart valvuloplasty of mitral valve without replacement
Open heart valvuloplasty of pulmonary valve without replacement
Open heart valvuloplasty of tricuspid valve without replacement
Open and other Rreplacement of heart valve
Open and other Rreplacement of unspecified heart valve
Open And Other Replacement Of Aortic Valve With Tissue Graft
Open and Oother replacement of aortic valve
Open and other replacement of mitral valve with tissue graft
Open and other replacement of mitral valve
Open and other replacement of pulmonary valve with tissue graft
Open and Oother replacement of pulmonary valve
Open and other replacement of tricuspid valve with tissue graft
Open and Oother replacement of tricuspid valve
Operations on structures adjacent to heart valves
Production of septal defect in heart
Repair of atrial and ventricular septa with prosthesis
Repair of unspecified septal defect of heart with prosthesis
Repair of atrial septal defect with prosthesis, open technique
Repair of atrial septal defect with prosthesis, closed technique
Repair of ventricular septal defect with prosthesis, open technique
Repair of endocardial cushion defect with prosthesis
Repair of ventricular septal defect with prosthesis, closed technique
Repair of atrial and ventricular septa with tissue graft
Other and unspecified repair of atrial and ventricular septa
Total repair of certain congenital cardiac anomalies
Other operations on valves and septa of heart
Interatrial transposition of venous return
Creation of conduit between right ventricle and pulmonary artery
Creation of conduit between left ventricle and aorta
Creation of conduit between atrium and pulmonary artery
Revision of corrective procedure on heart
Percutaneous balloon valvuloplasty
Percutaneous Mitral Valve Repair With Implant
Other operations on septa of heart
Other operations on valves of heart
Operations on vessels of heart
Removal of coronary artery obstruction and insertion of stent(s)
Bypass anastomosis for heart revascularization
Aortocoronary bypass for heart revascularization, not otherwise specified
(Aorto)coronary bypass of one coronary artery
(Aorto)coronary bypass of two coronary arteries
(Aorto)coronary bypass of three coronary arteries
(Aorto)coronary bypass of four or more coronary arteries
Single internal mammary-coronary artery bypass
Double internal mammary-coronary artery bypass
Abdominal - coronary artery bypass
Other Bypass Anastomosis For Heart Revascularization
Other heart revascularization
Other operations on heart and pericardium
Cardiotomy and pericardiotomy
Diagnostic procedures on heart and pericardium
Noninvasive programmed electrical stimulation (NIPS)
Right heart cardiac catheterization
Left heart cardiac catheterization
Combined right and left heart cardiac catheterization
Biopsy of pericardium
Biopsy of heart
Catheter based invasive electrophysiologic testing
Cardiac mapping
Intracardiac echocardiography
Other diagnostic procedures on heart and pericardium
Pericardiectomy and excision of lesion of heart
Excision of aneurysm of heart
Excision or destruction of other lesion or tissue of heart, open approach
Excision or destruction of other lesion or tissue of heart, endovascular approach
Partial ventriculectomy
Excision destruction of left atrial appendage (LAA)
Excision or destruction of other lesion or tissue of heart, thoracoscopic approach
Repair of heart and pericardium
Heart replacement procedures
Heart transplantation
Implantation of total internal biventricular heart replacement system
Replacement or repair of thoracic unit of (total) replacement heart system
Replacement or repair of other implantable component of (total) replacement heart system
Removal of internal biventricular heart replacement system
Implantation of heart and circulatory assist system(s)
Implantation or insertion of biventricular external heart assist system
Implant of pulsation balloon
Insertion of temporary non-implantable extracorporeal circulatory assist device
Repair of heart assist system
Removal of external heart assist system(s) or device(s)
Implant of single ventricular (extracorporeal) external heart assist system
Insertion of implantable heart assist system
Implantation of cardiomyostimulation system
Insertion Of Percutaneous External Heart Assist Device
Insertion, revision, replacement, and removal of leads; insertion of temporary pacemaker system; or revision of cardiac device pocket
Initial insertion of lead [electrode], not otherwise specified
Initial insertion of transvenous lead [electrode] into ventricle
Initial insertion of transvenous leads [electrodes] into atrium and ventricle
Initial insertion of transvenous lead [electrode] into atrium
Insertion or replacement of epicardial lead [electrode] into epicardium
Revision of lead [electrode]
Replacement of transvenous atrial and/or ventricular lead(s) [electrode]
Removal of lead(s) [electrode] without replacement
Insertion of temporary transvenous pacemaker system
Insertion, replacement, removal, and revision of pacemaker device
Insertion Of Permanent Pacemaker, Initial Or Replacement, Type Of Device Not Specified
Initial insertion of single-chamber device, not specified as rate responsive
Initial insertion of single-chamber device, rate responsive
Initial insertion of dual-chamber device
Replacement of any type pacemaker device with single-chamber device, not specified as rate responsive
Replacement of any type of pacemaker device with single-chamber device, rate responsive
Replacement of any type pacemaker device with dual-chamber device
Revision or removal of pacemaker device
Other operations on heart and pericardium
Insertion Of Left Atrial Appendage Device
Open chest cardiac massage
Injection of therapeutic substance into heart
Injection of therapeutic substance into pericardium
Implantation or replacement of automatic cardioverter/defibrillator, total system [AICD]
Implantation of automatic cardioverter/defibrillator lead(s) only
Implantation of automatic cardioverter/defibrillator pulse generator only
Replacement of automatic cardioverter/defibrillator lead(s) only
Replacement of automatic cardioverter/defibrillator pulse generator only
Incision, excision, and occlusion of vessels
Incision of vessel
Incision of vessel, unspecified site
Incision of vessel, intracranial vessels
Incision of vessel, other vessels of head and neck
Incision of vessel, upper limb vessels
Incision of vessel, aorta
Incision of vessel, other thoracic vessels
Incision of vessel, abdominal arteries
Incision of vessel, abdominal veins
Incision of vessel, lower limb arteries
Incision of vessel, lower limb veins
Endarterectomy, unspecified site
Endarterectomy, intracranial vessels
Endarterectomy, other vessels of head and neck
Endarterectomy, upper limb vessels
Endarterectomy, aorta
Endarterectomy, other thoracic vessels
Endarterectomy, abdominal arteries
Endarterectomy, lower limb arteries
Diagnostic procedures on blood vessels
Biopsy of blood vessel
Percutaneous angioscopy
Intravascular Spectroscopy
Intravascular imaging of coronary vessel(s) by optical coherence tomography [OCT]
Intravascular imaging of non-coronary vessel(s) by optical coherence tomography [OCT]
Insertion of implantable pressure sensor without lead for intracardiac or great vessel hemodynamic monitoring
Other Diagnostic Procedures On Blood Vessels
Resection of vessel with anastomosis
Resection of vessel with anastomosis, unspecified site
Resection of vessel with anastomosis, intracranial vessels
Resection of vessel with anastomosis, other vessels of head and neck
Resection of vessel with anastomosis, upper limb vessels
Resection of vessel with anastomosis, aorta
Resection of vessel with anastomosis, other thoracic vessels
Resection of vessel with anastomosis, abdominal arteries
Resection of vessel with anastomosis, abdominal veins
Resection of vessel with anastomosis, lower limb arteries
Resection of vessel with anastomosis, lower limb veins
Resection of vessel with replacement
Resection of vessel with replacement, unspecified site
Resection of vessel with replacement, intracranial vessels
Resection of vessel with replacement, other vessels of head and neck
Resection of vessel with replacement, upper limb vessels
Resection of vessel with replacement, aorta, abdominal
Resection of vessel with replacement, thoracic vessels
Resection of vessel with replacement, abdominal arteries
Resection of vessel with replacement, abdominal veins
Resection of vessel with replacement, lower limb arteries
Resection of vessel with replacement, lower limb veins
Ligation and stripping of varicose veins
Ligation and stripping of varicose veins, unspecified site
Ligation and stripping of varicose veins, intracranial vessels
Ligation and stripping of varicose veins, other vessels of head and neck
Ligation and stripping of varicose veins, upper limb vessels
Ligation and stripping of varicose veins, other thoracic vessels
Ligation and stripping of varicose veins, abdominal veins
Ligation and stripping of varicose veins, lower limb veins
Other excision of vessel
Other excision of vessels, unspecified site
Other excision of vessels, intracranial vessels
Other excision of vessels, other vessels of head and neck
Other excision of vessels, upper limb vessels
Other excision of vessels, aorta, abdominal
Other excision of vessels, thoracic vessels
Other excision of vessels, abdominal arteries
Other excision of vessels, abdominal veins
Other excision of vessels, lower limb arteries
Other excision of vessels, lower limb veins
Other surgical occlusion of vessels
Other surgical occlusion of vessels, unspecified site
Other surgical occlusion of vessels, intracranial vessels
Other Surgical Occlusion Of Vessels, Other Vessels Of Head And Neck
Other Surgical Occlusion Of Vessels, Upper Limb Vessels
Other Surgical Occlusion Of Vessels, Aorta, Abdominal
Other Surgical Occlusion Of Vessels, Thoracic Vessels
Other Surgical Occlusion Of Vessels, Abdominal Arteries
Other Surgical Occlusion Of Vessels, Abdominal Veins
Other Surgical Occlusion Of Vessels, Lower Limb Arteries
Other Surgical Occlusion Of Vessels, Lower Limb Veins
Puncture of vessel
Arterial catheterization
Umbilical vein catheterization
Venous catheterization, not elsewhere classified
Venous cutdown
Venous catheterization for renal dialysis
Central venous catheter placement with guidance
Other puncture of artery
Other puncture of vein
Other operations on vessels
Other shunt or vascular bypass
Caval-pulmonary artery anastomosis
Aorta-subclavian-carotid bypass
Other intrathoracic vascular shunt or bypass
Aorta-renal bypass
Aorta-iliac-femoral bypass
Other Intra-Abdominal Vascular Shunt Or Bypass
Arteriovenostomy for renal dialysis
Extracranial-intracranial (EC-IC) vascular bypass
Other (peripheral) vascular shunt or bypass
Suture of vessel
Revision of vascular procedure
Other repair of vessels
Angioplasty of other non-coronary vessel(s)
Clipping of aneurysm
Other repair of aneurysm
Repair of arteriovenous fistula
Re-entry operation (aorta)
Reimplantation of aberrant renal vessel
Repair of blood vessel with tissue patch graft
Repair of blood vessel with synthetic patch graft
Repair of blood vessel with unspecified type of patch graft
Other repair of vessel
Extracorporeal circulation and procedures auxiliary to heart surgery
Endovascular procedures on vessel(s)
Endovascular implantation of other graft in abdominal aorta
Endovascular (total) embolization or occlusion of head and neck vessels
Endovascular implantation of graft in thoracic aorta
Endovascular removal of obstruction from head and neck vessel(s)
Endovascular embolization or occlusion of vessel(s) of head or neck using bare coils
Endovascular embolization or occlusion of vessel(s) of head or neck using bioactive coils
Temporary (partial) therapeutic endovascular occlusion of vessel
Endovascular implantation of branching or fenestrated graft(s) in aorta
Other Endovascular Procedures On Other Vessels
Operations on carotid body, carotid sinus and other vascular bodies
Implantation or replacement of carotid sinus stimulation device, total system
Implantation or replacement of carotid sinus stimulation lead(s) only
Implantation or replacement of carotid sinus stimulation pulse generator only
Revision of carotid sinus stimulation lead(s) only
Revision of carotid sinus stimulation pulse generator
Removal of carotid sinus stimulation device, total system
Removal of carotid sinus stimulation lead(s) only
Removal of carotid sinus stimulation pulse generator only
Other Operations On Carotid Body, Carotid Sinus And Other Vascular Bodies
Other operations on vessels
Insertion of non-drug-eluting peripheral (non-coronary) vessel stent(s)
Freeing of vessel
Injection of sclerosing agent into vein
Insertion of vessel-to-vessel cannula
Replacement of vessel-to-vessel cannula
Total body perfusion
Other perfusion
Control of hemorrhage, not otherwise specified
Other Operations On Vessels
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