Operations on nose
Control of epistaxis
Control of epistaxis, not otherwise specified
Control of epistaxis by anterior nasal packing
Control of epistaxis by posterior (and anterior) packing
Control of epistaxis by cauterization (and packing)
Control of epistaxis by ligation of ethmoidal arteries
Control of epistaxis by (transantral) ligation of the maxillary artery
Control of epistaxis by ligation of the external carotid artery
Control of epistaxis by excision of nasal mucosa and skin grafting of septum and lateral nasal wall
Control of epistaxis by other means
Diagnostic procedures on nose
Local excision or destruction of lesion of nose
Reduction of nasal fracture
Repair and plastic operations on the nose
Operations on nasal sinuses
Aspiration and lavage of nasal sinus
Diagnostic procedures on nasal sinus
External maxillary antrotomy
Other nasal sinusotomy
Other nasal sinusectomy
Removal and restoration of teeth
Forceps extraction of tooth
Surgical removal of tooth
Other dental restoration
Other operations on teeth, gums, and alveoli
Diagnostic procedures on teeth, gums, and alveoli
Other operations on gum
Operations on tongue
Diagnostic procedures on tongue
Repair of tongue and glossoplasty
Operations on salivary glands and ducts
Diagnostic procedures on salivary glands and ducts
Excision of lesion of salivary gland
Repair of salivary gland or duct
Other operations on mouth and face
Diagnostic procedures on oral cavity
Excision of lesion or tissue of bony palate
Excision of other parts of mouth
Plastic repair of lip and mouth
Suture of laceration of lip
Suture of laceration of other part of mouth
Closure of fistula of mouth
Repair of cleft lip
Full-thickness skin graft to lip and mouth
Other skin graft to lip and mouth
Attachment of pedicle or flap graft to lip and mouth
Other plastic repair of mouth
Operations on uvula
Operations on tonsils and adenoids
Diagnostic procedures on tonsils and adenoids
Operations on pharynx
Diagnostic procedures on pharynx
Excision or destruction of lesion or tissue of pharynx
Other repair of pharynx
Call 844-334-2816 to speak with a Codify by AAPC specialist now.