The ICD-9 code range BURNS for 940-949 is medical classification list by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Burn confined to eye and adnexa
Burn of face head and neck
Burn of face head and neck unspecified degree
Burn of unspecified degree of face and head, unspecified site
Burn of unspecified degree of ear [any part]
Burn of unspecified degree of eye (with other parts of face, head, and neck)
Burn of unspecified degree of lip(s)
Burn of unspecified degree of chin
Burn of unspecified degree of nose (septum)
Burn of unspecified degree of scalp [any part]
Burn of unspecified degree of forehead and cheek
Burn of unspecified degree of neck
Burn of unspecified degree of multiple sites [except with eye] of face, head, and neck
Erythema due to burn (first degree) of face head and neck
Erythema [first degree] of face and head, unspecified site
Erythema [first degree] of ear [any part]
Erythema [first degree] of eye (with other parts face, head, and neck)
Erythema [first degree] of lip(s)
Erythema [first degree] of chin
Erythema [first degree] of nose (septum)
Erythema [first degree] of scalp [any part]
Erythema [first degree] of forehead and cheek
Erythema [first degree] of neck
Erythema [first degree] of multiple sites [except with eye] of face, head, and neck
Blisters with epidermal loss due to burn (second degree) of face head and neck
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] of face and head, unspecified site
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] of ear [any part]
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] of eye (with other parts of face, head, and neck)
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] of lip(s)
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] of chin
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] of nose (septum)
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] of scalp [any part]
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] of forehead and cheek
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] of neck
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] of multiple sites [except with eye] of face, head, and neck
Full-thickness skin loss due to burn (third degree NOS) of face head and neck
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree, not otherwise specified] of face and head, unspecified site
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree, not otherwise specified] of ear [any part]
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree, not otherwise specified] of eye (with other parts of face, head, and neck)
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree, not otherwise specified] of lip(s)
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree, not otherwise specified] of chin
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree, not otherwise specified] of nose (septum)
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree, not otherwise specified] of scalp [any part]
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree, not otherwise specified] of forehead and cheek
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree, not otherwise specified] of neck
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree, not otherwise specified] of multiple sites [except with eye] of face, head, and neck
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues due to burn (deep third degree) of face head and neck without mention of loss of a body part
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] without mention of loss of a body part, face and head, unspecified site
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree]) without mention of loss of a body part, ear [any part]
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] without mention of loss of a body part, of eye (with other parts of face, head, and neck)
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] without mention of loss of a body part, of lip(s)
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] without mention of loss of a body part, of chin
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] without mention of loss of a body part, of nose (septum)
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] without mention of loss of a body part of scalp [any part]
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] without mention of loss of a body part, of forehead and cheek
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] without mention of loss of a body part, of neck
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] without mention of loss of a body part, of multiple sites [except with eye] of face, head, and neck
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues due to burn (deep third degree) of face head and neck with loss of a body part
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] with loss of a body part, of face and head, unspecified site
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] with loss of a body part, of ear [any part]
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] with loss of a body part, of eye (with other parts of face, head, and neck)
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] with loss of a body part, of lip(s)
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] with loss of a body part, of chin
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] with loss of a body part, of nose (septum)
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] with loss of a body part, of scalp [any part]
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] with loss of a body part, of forehead and cheek
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] with loss of a body part, of neck
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] with loss of a body part, of multiple sites [except with eye] of face, head, and neck
Burn of trunk
Burn of trunk unspecified degree
Burn of unspecified degree of trunk, unspecified site
Burn of unspecified degree of breast
Burn of unspecified degree of chest wall, excluding breast and nipple
Burn of unspecified degree of abdominal wall
Burn of unspecified degree of back [any part]
Burn of unspecified degree of genitalia
Burn of unspecified degree of other and multiple sites of trunk
Erythema due to burn (first degree) of trunk
Erythema [first degree] of trunk, unspecified site
Erythema [first degree] of breast
Erythema [first degree] of chest wall, excluding breast and nipple
Erythema [first degree] of abdominal wall
Erythema [first degree] of back [any part]
Erythema [first degree] of genitalia
Erythema [first degree] of other and multiple sites of trunk
Blisters with epidermal loss due to burn (second degree) of trunk
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] of trunk, unspecified site
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] of breast
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] of chest wall, excluding breast and nipple
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] of abdominal wall
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] of back [any part]
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] of genitalia
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] of other and multiple sites of trunk
Full-thickness skin loss due to burn (third degree NOS) of trunk
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree, not otherwise specified] of trunk, unspecified site
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree,not otherwise specified] of breast
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree, not otherwise specified] of chest wall, excluding breast and nipple
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree, not otherwise specified] of abdominal wall
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree,not otherwise specified] of back [any part]
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree, not otherwise specified] of genitalia
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree, not otherwise specified] of other and multiple sites of trunk
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues due to burn (deep third degree) of trunk without mention of loss of body part
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] ) without mention of loss of a body part, of trunk, unspecified site
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree]) without mention of loss of a body part, of breast
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] without mention of loss of a body part, of chest wall, excluding breast and nipple
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] without mention of loss of a body part, of abdominal wall
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] without mention of loss of a body part, of back [any part]
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] without mention of loss of a body part, of genitalia
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] without mention of loss of a body part, of other and multiple sites of trunk
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues due to burn (deep third degree) of trunk with loss of a body part
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] with loss of a body part, trunk, unspecified site
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] with loss of a body part, of breast
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] with loss of a body part, of chest wall, excluding breast and nipple
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] with loss of a body part, of abdominal wall
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] with loss of a body part, of back [any part]
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] with loss of a body part, of genitalia
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] with loss of a body part, of other and multiple sites of trunk,
Burn of upper limb except wrist and hand
Burn of upper limb except wrist and hand unspecified degree
Burn of unspecified degree of upper limb, except wrist and hand, unspecified site
Burn of unspecified degree of forearm
Burn of unspecified degree of elbow
Burn of unspecified degree of upper arm
Burn of unspecified degree of axilla
Burn of unspecified degree of shoulder
Burn of unspecified degree of scapular region
Burn of unspecified degree of multiple sites of upper limb, except wrist and hand
Erythema due to burn (first degree) of upper limb except wrist and hand
Erythema [first degree] of upper limb, unspecified site
Erythema [first degree] of forearm
Erythema [first degree] of elbow
Erythema [first degree] of upper arm
Erythema [first degree] of axilla
Erythema [first degree] of shoulder
Erythema [first degree] of scapular region
Erythema [first degree] of multiple sites of upper limb, except wrist and hand
Blisters with epidermal loss due to burn (second degree) of upper limb except wrist and hand
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] of upper limb, unspecified site
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] of forearm
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] of elbow
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] of upper arm
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] of axilla
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] of shoulder
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] of scapular region
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] of multiple sites of upper limb, except wrist and hand
Full-thickness skin loss due to burn (third degree NOS) of upper limb except wrist and hand
Full-thickness skin [third degree, not otherwise specified] of upper limb, unspecified site
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree, not otherwise specified] of forearm
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree, not otherwise specified] of elbow
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree, not otherwise specified] of upper arm
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree, not otherwise specified] of axilla
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree, not otherwise specified] of shoulder
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree, not otherwise specified] of scapular region
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree, not otherwise specified] of multiple sites of upper limb, except wrist and hand
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues due to burn (deep third degree) of upper limb except wrist and hand without mention of loss of a body part
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] without mention of loss of a body part, of upper limb,unspecified site
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] without mention of loss of a body part, of forearm
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] without mention of loss of a body part, of elbow
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] without mention of loss of a body part, of upper arm
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] without mention of loss of a body part, of axilla
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] without mention of loss of a body part, of shoulder
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] without mention of loss of a body part, of scapular region
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] without mention of loss of a body part, of multiple sites of upper limb, except wrist and hand
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues due to burn (deep third degree) of upper limb except wrist and hand with loss of a body part
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] with loss of a body part, of upper limb, unspecified site
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree) with loss of a body part, of forearm
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] with loss of a body part, of elbow
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] with loss of a body part, of upper arm
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] with loss of a body part, of axilla
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] with loss of a body part, of shoulder
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] with loss of a body part, of scapular region
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] with loss of a body part, of multiple sites of upper limb, except wrist and hand
Burn of wrist(s) and hand(s)
Burn of wrist(s) and hand(s) unspecified degree
Burn of unspecified degree of hand, unspecified site
Burn of unspecified degree of single digit (finger (nail) other than thumb
Burn of unspecified degree of thumb (nail)
Burn of unspecified degree of two or more digits of hand, not including thumb
Burn of unspecified degree of two or more digits of hand, including thumb
Burn of unspecified degree of palm
Burn of unspecified degree of back of hand
Burn of unspecified degree of wrist
Burn of unspecified degree of multiple sites of wrist(s) and hand(s)
Erythema due to burn (first degree) of wrist(s) and hand(s)
Erythema [first degree] of hand, unspecified site
Erythema [first degree] of single digit (finger (nail)) other than thumb
Erythema [first degree] of thumb (nail)
Erythema [first degree] of two or more digits of hand, not including thumb
Erythema [first degree] of two or more digits of hand including thumb
Erythema [first degree] of palm
Erythema [first degree] of back of hand
Erythema [first degree] of wrist
Erythema [first degree] of multiple sites of wrist(s) and hand(s)
Blisters with epidermal loss due to burn (second degree) of wrist(s) and hand(s)
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] of hand, unspecified site
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] of single digit [finger (nail)] other than thumb
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] of thumb (nail)
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] of two or more digits of hand, not including thumb
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] of two or more digits of hand including thumb
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] of palm
Blisters , epidermal loss [second degree] of back of hand
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] of wrist
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] of multiple sites of wrist(s) and hand(s)
Full-thickness skin loss due to burn (third degree NOS) of wrist(s) and hand(s)
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree, not otherwise specified] of hand, unspecified site
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree, not otherwise specified] of single digit [finger (nail)] other than thumb
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree, not otherwise specified] of thumb (nail)
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree, not otherwise specified]of two or more digits of hand, not including thumb
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree, not otherwise specified] of two or more digits of hand including thumb
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree, not otherwise specified] of palm of hand
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree, not otherwise specified] of back of hand
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree, not otherwise specified] of wrist
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree, not otherwise specified] of multiple sites of wrist(s) and hand(s)
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues due to burn (deep third degree) of wrist(s) and hand(s) without mention of loss of a body part
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] without mention of loss of a body part, hand, unspecified site
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] without mention of loss of a body part, single digit [finger (nail)] other than thumb
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] without mention of loss of a body part, thumb (nail)
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] without mention of loss of a body part, two or more digits of hand, not including thumb
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] without mention of loss of a body part, two or more digits of hand including thumb
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] without mention of loss of a body part, of palm of hand
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] without mention of loss of a body part, of back of hand
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] without mention of loss of a body part, of wrist
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] without mention of loss of a body part, of multiple sites of wrist(s) and hand(s)
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues due to burn (deep third degree) of wrist(s) and hand(s) with loss of a body part
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] with loss of a body part, of hand, unspecified site
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] with loss of a body part, of single digit [finger (nail)] other than thumb
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] with loss of a body part, of thumb (nail)
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] with loss of a body part, of two or more digits of hand, not including thumb
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] with loss of a body part, of two or more digits of hand including thumb
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] with loss of a body part, of palm of hand
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] with loss of a body part, of back of hand
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] with loss of a body part, of wrist
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] with loss of a body part, of multiple sites of wrist(s) and hand(s)
Burn of lower limb(s)
Burn of lower limb(s) unspecified degree
Burn of unspecified degree of lower limb [leg], unspecified site
Burn of unspecified degree of toe(s) (nail)
Burn of unspecified degree of foot
Burn of unspecified degree of ankle
Burn of unspecified degree of lower leg
Burn of unspecified degree of knee
Burn of unspecified degree of thigh [any part]
Burn of unspecified degree of multiple sites of lower limb(s)
Erythema due to burn (first degree) of lower limb(s)
Erythema [first degree] of lower limb [leg], unspecified site
Erythema [first degree] of toe(s) (nail)
Erythema [first degree] of foot
Erythema [first degree] of ankle
Erythema [first degree] of lower leg
Erythema [first degree] of knee
Erythema [first degree] of thigh [any part]
Erythema [first degree] of multiple sites of lower limb(s)
Blisters with epidermal loss due to burn (second degree) of lower limb(s)
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] of lower limb [leg], unspecified site
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] of toe(s) (nail)
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] of foot
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] of ankle
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] of lower leg
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] of knee
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] of thigh [any part]
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] of multiple sites of lower limb(s)
Full-thickness skin loss due to burn (third degree NOS) of lower limb(s)
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree NOS] of lower limb [leg] unspecified site
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree NOS] of toe(s) (nail)
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree NOS] of foot
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree NOS] of ankle
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree nos] of lower leg
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree NOS] of knee
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree NOS] of thigh [any part]
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree NOS] of multiple sites of lower limb(s)
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues due to burn (deep third degree) of lower limb(s) without mention of loss of a body part
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] without mention of loss of a body part, lower limb [leg], unspecified site
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] without mention of loss of a body part, of toe(s)(nail)
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] without mention of loss of a body part, of foot
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] without mention of loss of a body part, of ankle
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] without mention of loss of a body part, of lower leg
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] without mention of loss of a body part, of knee
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] without mention of loss of a body part, of thigh [any part]
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] without mention of loss of a body part, of multiple sites of lower limb(s)
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues due to burn (deep third degree) of lower limb(s) with loss of a body part
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] with loss of a body part, of lower limb [leg], unspecified site
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] with loss of a body part, of toe(s) (nail)
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] with loss of a body part, of foot
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] with loss of a body part, of ankle
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] with loss of a body part, of lower leg
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] with loss of a body part, of knee
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] with loss of a body part, of thigh [any part]
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] with loss of a body part, of multiple sites of lower limb(s)
Burns of multiple specified sites
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] without mention of loss of a body part, of multiple specified sites
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] with loss of a body part, of multiple specified sites
Burn of internal organs
Burns classified according to extent of body surface involved
Burn (any degree) involving 10-19 percent of body surface
Burn (any degree) involving 20-29 percent of body surface
Burn [any degree] involving 20-29 percent of body surface with third degree burn, less than 10 percent or unspecified
Burn [any degree] involving 20-29 percent of body surface with third degree burn, 10-19%
Burn [any degree] involving 20-29 percent of body surface with third degree burn, 20-29%
Burn (any degree) involving 30-39 percent of body surface
Burn [any degree] involving 30-39 percent of body surface with third degree burn, less than 10 percent or unspecified
Burn [any degree] involving 30-39 percent of body surface with third degree burn, 10-19%
Burn [any degree] involving 30-39 percent of body surface with third degree burn, 20-29%
Burn [any degree] involving 30-39 percent of body surface with third degree burn, 30-39%
Burn (any degree) involving 40-49 percent of body surface
Burn [any degree] involving 40-49 percent of body surface with third degree burn, less than 10 percent or unspecified
Burn [any degree] involving 40-49 percent of body surface with third degree burn, 10-19%
Burn [any degree] involving 40-49 percent of body surface with third degree burn, 20-29%
Burn [any degree] involving 40-49 percent of body surface with third degree burn, 30-39%
Burn [any degree] involving 40-49 percent of body surface with third degree burn, 40-49%
Burn (any degree) involving 50-59 percent of body surface
Burn [any degree] involving 50-59 percent of body surface with third degree burn, less than 10 percent or unspecified
Burn [any degree] involving 50-59 percent of body surface with third degree burn, 10-19%
Burn [any degree] involving 50-59 percent of body surface with third degree burn, 20-29%
Burn [any degree] involving 50-59 percent of body surface with third degree burn, 30-39%
Burn [any degree] involving 50-59 percent of body surface with third degree burn, 40-49%
Burn [any degree] involving 50-59 percent of body surface with third degree burn, 50-59%
Burn (any degree) involving 60-69 percent of body surface
Burn [any degree] involving 60-69 percent of body surface with third degree burn, less than 10 percent or unspecified
Burn [any degree] involving 60-69 percent of body surface with third degree burn, 10-19%
Burn [any degree] involving 60-69 percent of body surface with third degree burn, 20-29%
Burn [any degree] involving 60-69 percent of body surface with third degree burn, 30-39%
Burn [any degree] involving 60-69 percent of body surface with third degree burn, 40-49%
Burn (any degree) involving 60-69 percent of body surface with third degree burn, 50-59%
Burn [any degree] involving 60-69 percent of body surface with third degree burn, 60-69%
Burn (any degree) involving 70-79 percent of body surface
Burn [any degree] involving 70-79 percent of body surface with third degree burn, less than 10 percent or unspecified
Burn [any degree] involving 70-79 percent of body surface with third degree burn, 10-19%
Burn [any degree] involving 70-79 percent of body surface with third degree burn, 20-29%
Burn [any degree] involving 70-79 percent of body surface with third degree burn, 30-39%
Burn [any degree] involving 70-79 percent of body surface with third degree burn, 40-49%
Burn [any degree] involving 70-79 percent of body surface with third degree burn, 50-59%
Burn [any degree] involving 70-79 percent of body surface with third degree burn, 60-69%
Burn [any degree] involving 70-79 percent of body surface with third degree burn, 70-79%
Burn (any degree) involving 80-89 percent of body surface
Burn [any degree] involving 80-89 percent of body surface with third degree burn, less than 10 percent or unspecified
Burn [any degree] involving 80-89 percent of body surface with third degree burn, 10-19%
Burn [any degree] involving 80-89 percent of body surface with third degree burn, 20-29%
Burn [any degree] involving 80-89 percent of body surface with third degree burn, 30-39%
Burn [any degree] involving 80-89 percent of body surface with third degree burn, 40-49%
Burn [any degree] involving 80-89 percent of body surface with third degree burn, 50-59%
Burn [any degree] involving 80-89 percent of body surface with third degree burn, 60-69%
Burn [any degree] involving 80-89 percent of body surface with third degree burn, 70-79%
Burn [any degree] involving 80-89 percent of body surface with third degree burn, 80-89%
Burn (any degree) involving 90 percent or more of body surface
Burn [any degree] involving 90 percent or more of body surface with third degree burn, less than 10 percent or unspecified
Burn [any degree] involving 90 percent or more of body surface with third degree burn, 10-19%
Burn [any degree] involving 90 percent or more of body surface with third degree burn, 20-29%
Burn [any degree] involving 90 percent or more of body surface with third degree burn, 30-39%
Burn [any degree] involving 90 percent or more of body surface with third degree burn, 40-49%
Burn [any degree] involving 90 percent or more of body surface with third degree burn, 50-59%
Burn [any degree] involving 90 percent or more of body surface with third degree burn, 60-69%
Burn [any degree] involving 90 percent or more of body surface with third degree burn, 70-79%
Burn [any degree] involving 90 percent or more of body surface with third degree burn, 80-89%
Burn [any degree] involving 90 percent or more of body surface with third degree burn, 90% or more of body surface
Burn unspecified site
Deep necrosis of underlying tissue [deep third degree] without mention of loss of a body part, unspecified
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