The ICD-9 code range OPEN WOUND OF HEAD, NECK, AND TRUNK for 870-879 is medical classification list by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Open wound of ocular adnexa
Open wound of eyeball
Open wound of ear
Open wound of external ear without mention of complication
Open wound of external ear complicated
Open wound of other specified parts of ear without mention of complication
Open wound of ear drum, without mention of complication
Open wound of ossicles, without mention of complication
Open wound of eustachian tube, without mention of complication
Open wound of cochlea, without mention of complication
Open wound of other and multiple sites of ear, without mention of complication
Open wound of other specified parts of ear complicated
Other open wound of head
Open wound of nose without mention of complication
Open wound of nose, unspecified site, without mention of complication
Open wound of nasal septum, without mention of complication
Open wound of nasal cavity, without mention of complication
Open wound of nasal sinus, without mention of complication
Open wound of multiple sites of nose, without mention of complication
Open wound of nose complicated
Open wound of face without mention of complication
Open wound of face, unspecified site, without mention of complication
Open wound of cheek, without mention of complication
Open wound of forehead, without mention of complication
Open wound of lip, without mention of complication
Open wound of jaw, without mention of complication
Open wound of other and multiple sites of face, without mention of complication
Open wound of face complicated
Open wound of internal structures of mouth without mention of complication
Open wound of mouth, unspecified site, without mention of complication
Open wound of buccal mucosa, without mention of complication
Open wound of gum (alveolar process), without mention of complication
Open wound of tooth (broken) (fractured) (due to trauma), without mention of complication
Open wound of tongue and floor of mouth, without mention of complication
Open wound of palate, without mention of complication
Open wound of other and multiple sites of mouth, without mention of complication
Open wound of internal structure of mouth complicated
Open wound of mouth, unspecified site, complicated
Open wound of buccal mucosa, complicated
Open wound of gum (alveolar process), complicated
Open wound of tooth (broken) (fractured) (due to trauma), complicated
Open wound of tongue and floor of mouth, complicated
Open wound of palate, complicated
Open wound of other and multiple sites of mouth, complicated
Open wound of neck
Open wound of larynx and trachea without mention of complication
Open wound of larynx and trachea complicated
Open wound of chest (wall)
Open wound of back
Open wound of buttock
Open wound of genital organs (external) including traumatic amputation
Open wound of other and unspecified parts of genital organs (external), without mention of complication
Open wound of other and unspecified sites except limbs