Persons encountering health services in other circumstances ICD-10-CM Code range Z69-Z76

The ICD-10 code range for Persons encountering health services in other circumstances Z69-Z76 is medical classification list by the World Health Organization (WHO).

ICD-10 Code range (Z69-Z76), Persons encountering health services in other circumstances contains ICD-10 codes for Encounter for mental health services for victim and perpetrator of abuse, Counseling related to sexual attitude, behavior and orientation, Persons encountering health services for other counseling and medical advice, not elsewhere classified, Problems related to lifestyle, Problems related to life management difficulty, Problems related to care provider dependency, Problems related to medical facilities and other health care, Persons encountering health services in other circumstances

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Persons encountering health services in other circumstances
Encounter for mental health services for victim and perpetrator of abuse
Counseling related to sexual attitude, behavior and orientation
Persons encountering health services for other counseling and medical advice, not elsewhere classified
Problems related to lifestyle
Problems related to life management difficulty
Problems related to care provider dependency
Problems related to medical facilities and other health care
Persons encountering health services in other circumstances

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