HCPCS Code for Foot, insert, removable, molded to patient model, longitudinal arch support, each L3010
HCPCS code L3010 for Foot, insert, removable, molded to patient model, longitudinal arch support, each as maintained by CMS falls under Foot Inserts, Removable .
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[QUOTE="SienTC1720, post: 501705, member: 283450"]
Could you provide the location in the claims manual where this policy is located?
I cannot speak to the "claims manual" but here is the link... [ Read More ]
I am looking for some help with DME's. We are a family practice, but we have a Physical Therapy department with in our organization. Just recently we have had issues with filing our DME's. I am not su... [ Read More ]
I am looking for some help with DME's. We are a family practice, but we have a Physical Therapy department with in our organization. Just recently we have had issues with filing our DME's. I am not... [ Read More ]
I am looking for some direction with DME's. We are a Family Practice, but we have a Physical Therapy department in our organization. We bill out DME's periodically. We are having issues getting the... [ Read More ]
I was asked by a provider what is the correct way to bill out foot orthotics with the new side specific ICD 10 diagnosis.
Say a member is diagnosed with Plantar Tendinitis of the left foot (M76.822 -... [ Read More ]
I have always billed humana
for example
l3010 kx rt
l3010 kx lt
and gotten paid
if you are still not getting paid - bill pos as pt home... [ Read More ]
Insurance companies vary between companies to even the policies with the same insurer. Do document prior authorization or precertification to fight denials get the patient involved. At the office I wo... [ Read More ]
Caution: Be aware of documentation requirements when billing Medicare. If you are considering adding a pedorthist to your practice, or even if you already have one on staff, you need to familiarize yourself with their role and limitations to ensure [...]
Be sure you know the limitations of the staff performing services. If you are considering adding a pedorthist to your practice, or even if you already have one on staff, you need to familiarize yourself with their role and limitations [...]
Question: We bill to Medicare for our podiatry services. Our podiatrist has to attend fracture patients regularly. Does Medicare pay for these services? 1. Supply of a foot insert. 2. Impression casting for a patient. 3. Supply of casting material. [...]
Question: We billed two inserts of L3010 (Foot insert, removable, molded to patient model, longitudinal arch support, each) to our carrier with modifier -50. The insurer denied the claim. Do you have any idea what is wrong?Florida Subscriber Answer: You [...]
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