Traction and Other Orthopedic Devices HCPCS Code range E0830-E0948

The HCPCS codes range Traction and Other Orthopedic Devices E0830-E0948 is a standardized code set necessary for Medicare and other health insurance providers to provide healthcare claims.

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HCPCS Code Range E0830-E0948

E0830-E0948 Traction and Other Orthopedic Devices
Traction stand, free standing, pelvic traction, (e.g., Buck's)
Trapeze bars, also known as Patient Helper, attached to bed, with grab bar
Trapeze bar, heavy duty, for patient weight capacity greater than 250 pounds, attached to bed, with grab bar
Trapeze bar, heavy duty, for patient weight capacity greater than 250 pounds, free standing, complete with grab bar
Fracture frame, attached to bed, includes weights
Fracture frame, free standing, includes weights
Continuous passive motion exercise device for use on knee only
Continuous passive motion exercise device for use other than knee
Trapeze bar, free standing, complete with grab bar
Gravity assisted traction device, any type
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