Addition to lower extremity, pelvic control, hip joint, Clevis type two position joint, each
Addition to lower extremity, pelvic control, pelvic sling
Addition to lower extremity, pelvic control, hip joint, Clevis type, or thrust bearing, free, each
Addition to lower extremity, pelvic control,hip joint, Clevis type or thrust bearing, lock, each
Addition to lower extremity, pelvic control, hip joint, heavy duty, each
Addition to lower extremity, pelvic control, hip joint, adjustable flexion, each
Addition to lower extremity, pelvic control, hip joint, adjustable flexion, extension, abduction control, each
Addition to lower extremity, pelvic control, plastic, molded to patient model, reciprocating hip joint and cables
Addition to lower extremity, pelvic control, metal frame, reciprocating hip joint and cables
Addition to lower extremity, pelvic control, band and belt, unilateral
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