Additional Assorted Quality Measures HCPCS Code range G9188-G9891
The HCPCS codes range Additional Assorted Quality Measures G9188-G9891 is a standardized code set necessary for Medicare and other health insurance providers to provide healthcare claims.
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More than one CT scan of the paranasal sinuses ordered or received within 90 days after the date of diagnosis for documented reasons (e.g., patients with complications, second CT obtained prior to surgery, other medical reasons)
Medical indication for delivery by cesarean birth or induction of labor (<39 weeks of gestation) [documentation of reason(s) for elective delivery (e.g., hemorrhage and placental complications, hypertension, preeclampsia and eclampsia, rupture of membranes (premature or prolonged), maternal conditions complicating pregnancy/delivery, fetal conditions complicating pregnancy/delivery, late pregnancy, prior uterine surgery, or participation in clinical trial)]