Additional Assorted Quality Measures HCPCS Code range G9188-G9891
The HCPCS codes range Additional Assorted Quality Measures G9188-G9891 is a standardized code set necessary for Medicare and other health insurance providers to provide healthcare claims.
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Count of previous ct (any type of ct) and cardiac nuclear medicine (myocardial perfusion or infarct avid imaging) studies documented in the 12-month period prior to the current study
Count of previous ct and cardiac nuclear medicine (myocardial perfusion or infarct avid imaging) studies not documented in the 12-month period prior to the current study, reason not given
Search conducted for prior patient CT studies completed at non-affiliated external healthcare facilities or entities within the past 12-months and are available through a secure, authorized, media-free, shared archive prior to an imaging study being performed
Search not conducted prior to an imaging study being performed for prior patient CT studies completed at non-affiliated external healthcare facilities or entities within the past 12-months and are available through a secure, authorized, media-free, shared archive, reason not given
Due to system reasons search not conducted for dicom format images for prior patient CT imaging studies completed at non-affiliated external healthcare facilities or entities within the past 12 months that are available through a secure, authorized, media-free, shared archive (e.g., non-affiliated external healthcare facilities or entities does not have archival abilities through a shared archival system)
Follow-up recommendations documented according to recommended guidelines for incidentally detected pulmonary nodules (e.g., follow-up CT imaging studies needed or that no follow-up is needed) based at a minimum on nodule size and patient risk factors