Additional Assorted Quality Measures HCPCS Code range G9188-G9891

The HCPCS codes range Additional Assorted Quality Measures G9188-G9891 is a standardized code set necessary for Medicare and other health insurance providers to provide healthcare claims.

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HCPCS Code Range G9188-G9891

G9188-G9891 Additional Assorted Quality Measures
Patients who use hospice services any time during the measurement period
Patient had at least two HPV vaccines (with at least 146 days between the two) or three HPV vaccines on or between the patient's 9th and 13th birthdays
Patient did not have at least two HPV vaccines (with at least 146 days between the two) or three HPV vaccines on or between the patient's 9th and 13th birthdays
Patient has been treated with a systemic medication for psoriasis vulgaris
Documentation that the patient declined change in medication or alternative therapies were unavailable, has documented contraindications, or has not been treated with a systemic medication for at least six consecutive months (e.g., experienced adverse effects or lack of efficacy with all other therapy options) in order to achieve better disease control as measured by pga, bsa, pasi, or dlqi
Patients who are transferred from one institUTIon to another with a known diagnosis of CVA for endovascular stroke treatment
Hospitalized patients with newly diagnosed CVA considered for endovascular stroke treatment
Patients who UTIlize hospice services any time during the measurement period
Patient had a bone mineral density test in the past two years or received osteoporosis medication or therapy in the past 12 months
Peripheral nerve block (PNB)
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