Additional Assorted Quality Measures HCPCS Code range G9188-G9891

The HCPCS codes range Additional Assorted Quality Measures G9188-G9891 is a standardized code set necessary for Medicare and other health insurance providers to provide healthcare claims.

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HCPCS Code Range G9188-G9891

G9188-G9891 Additional Assorted Quality Measures
Patient has documentation of ventricular shunt, brain tumor, or coagulopathy
Pediatric patient with minor blunt head trauma not classified as low risk according to the pecarn prediction rules
Aortic aneurysm 5.5 - 5.9 cm maximum diameter on centerline formatted CT or minor diameter on axial formatted CT
Aortic aneurysm 6.0 cm or greater maximum diameter on centerline formatted CT or minor diameter on axial formatted CT
Patient survey score improved from baseline following treatment
Patient survey results not available
Patient survey score did not improve from baseline following treatment
Intraoperative cystoscopy performed to evaluate for lower tract injury
Documented medical reasons for not performing intraoperative cystoscopy (e.g., urethral pathology precluding cystoscopy, any patient who has a congenital or acquired absence of the urethra) or in the case of patient death
Intraoperative cystoscopy not performed to evaluate for lower tract injury
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