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Federal agencies uncovered double payments after providers billed Medicare and the VA. A recent Office of Inspector General (OIG) audit found that Medicare was billed and paid providers for medical services authorized and paid for by the Department of Veterans [...]
Do you know what KCNQ2-related epilepsy is? ICD-10 just settled on its list of new, revised, and deleted codes for 2025, and it has several additions that will be relevant to your practice. ICD-10 2025 released almost 300 additions, deletions, [...]
Tip: Update compliance checklists to ensure your agency meets deadlines. With the new Nondiscrimination in Health Programs and Activities final rule taking effect on July 5, home health and hospice agencies have no time to waste when it comes to [...]
Here’s how to navigate all the associated condition codes. Look up anemia in the ICD-10-CM Alphabetic Index, and you’re faced with a bewildering number of potential code options. Altogether, the Index contains codes for over 300 conditions under the main [...]
Provider numbers, spending, and profit margins have all fallen — again. Home health agencies’ average fee-for-service Medicare profit margin has fallen, but the misleading statistic is still giving congressional advisors ammunition for punitive pay cuts. In its Dec. 8 public [...]
Californian DNPs are facing fines and potential license loss for going by ‘doctor.’ It’s easy to let certain linguistic quirks bleed into daily use, but language can really matter in the workplace, especially when the workplace is a medical practice. [...]
Texts proved crucial in $1.75 million fraud settlement. An upscale senior living company accused of sharing its early COVID vaccinations with rich potential donors instead of its nursing home patients is expanding its hospice footprint in Florida. “After helping patients [...]
Final rule focuses on equity and utilization review. If your practice provides services to beneficiaries with Medicare Advantage Plans, you should be aware of some changes coming down the pike. Published in the Federal Register on April 12 and applicable [...]
Caution: AKS issues remain an OIG sticking point. With the pandemic largely in the rearview mirror, you may be revising your policies and heaving a sigh of relief. But don’t get too comfortable — federal enforcers aren’t taking any breaks [...]
Here’s what healthcare professionals are saying about the changes. As gastroenterology coders, you likely process a slew of claims for Medicare beneficiaries. Like the rest of us, the feds are gearing up for life after the pandemic. The most recent [...]
No more scouting the Web for CMS info. Instantly search across Medicare manuals, transmittals, related CMS documents, and more from one page with DRG Coder.